Sort priority when making an update


I have the following table where I sort by priority ASC

|prioridad|actividad  |
|   1     |act1       |
|   2     |act2       |
|   3     |act3       |
|   4     |act4       |
|   5     |act5       |

I have in JSON where I make an update

I add Method but it does not work as I wish


    $query = "
     UPDATE ACT_Agenda SET ".$_POST["name"]." = '".$_POST["value"]."'
     WHERE id_agenda = '".$_POST["pk"]."'";

//method for order priority

    $resultt=mysqli_query($conn, $query);
      if ($resultt) {
        $query2 = "UPDATE ACT_Agenda SET prioridad = CASE 
               WHEN prioridad >= " . $_POST['value'] . "
               THEN prioridad + 1 ELSE prioridad  END
               WHERE id_agenda <> '" . $_POST['pk'] . "'";
        mysqli_query($conn, $query2);
        echo "YES";
    }  ?>

What I want to do is that I order the priority, that is, if I update the act5 that has priority 5 to priority 1, the priority changes and that means that the priority of the act1 should change to 2 and so on until the act4 remains with priority 5.

With that Code contributed by @Sr1871 It works fine if I update the last priority. But if I update the act4 to priority 1 the ones below should not be updated but they do it by adding +1 ( act5 priority 5 is 6).

I would like something like this if I update act4 to priority 1

    |prioridad|actividad  |
    |   1     |act4       |
    |   2     |act1       |
    |   3     |act2       |
    |   4     |act3       |
    |   5     |act5       |

I hope to have explained myself well. Greetings.

My Form

    <td data-name="prioridad" class="prioridad"  data-type="text" data-pk="<?php echo $row['id_agenda'] ?>">
        <?php echo $row['prioridad']; ?>

            container: 'body',
            selector: 'td.prioridad',
            url: "JSON/updateCorelativoJSON.php",
            // url: "update.php",
            title: 'Editar Prioridad',
            type: "POST",
            //dataType: 'json',
            validate: function(value) {
                if ($.trim(value) == '') {
                    return 'Este campo es necesario';
            success: function(data) {
              if (data == "YES") {
                      } else {
asked by MoteCL 05.09.2018 в 17:11

5 answers


Changing the priority of a record can be thought of as the succession of the following events:

  • "We take the record" : therefore, all those records whose priority is greater should be decremented by 1, that is:

    UPDATE ACT_Agenda
      SET prioridad = prioridad - 1 
      WHERE prioridad > ?
  • "We add the record" : therefore, all those records whose priority is greater or equal must be increased by 1, that is:

    UPDATE ACT_Agenda
      SET prioridad = prioridad + 1 
      WHERE prioridad >= ?
  • Solution:

    For security reasons it would be optimal to use prepared statements , so the code could be as follows:

    // Validamos que el registro existe y 
    // obtenemos la prioridad que tiene
    $query = "SELECT prioridad 
        FROM ACT_Agenda 
        WHERE id_agenda = ?";
    $stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, $query);
    mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "i", $_POST["pk"]);
    if (mysqli_stmt_num_rows($stmt) == 1) {
        mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $prioridadAnt);
        // Si se modifico la prioridad
        if ($prioridadAnt != $_POST['value']) {
            // Actualizamos todos los registros cuya prioridad
            // sea mayor a la prioridad anterior (1)
            $query = "UPDATE ACT_Agenda
              SET prioridad = prioridad - 1 
              WHERE prioridad > $prioridadAnt";
            mysqli_query($conn, $query);
            // Actualizamos todos los registros cuya prioridad
            // sea mayor igual a la nueva prioridad (2)
            $query = "UPDATE ACT_Agenda
              SET prioridad = prioridad + 1 
              WHERE prioridad >= ?";
            $stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, $query);
            mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "i", $_POST["value"]);
        // Actualizamos la prioridad
        $query = "UPDATE ACT_Agenda 
            SET prioridad = ?
            WHERE id_agenda = ?";
        $stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, $query);
        mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "ii", $_POST["value"], $_POST["pk"]);
    answered by 10.09.2018 / 19:27

    It is necessary to bring the previous value to be able to do it correctly.

    If the extension you are using is x-editable, you can do it this way link

    If you have no way to bring it or you want to make it more secure from the backend, you can bring it with a SELECT before doing the UPDATE

    //Aquí iría el select
    $query = "
     UPDATE ACT_Agenda SET ".$_POST["name"]." = '".$_POST["value"]."'
     WHERE id_agenda = '".$_POST["pk"]."'";

    If the new value is less than the previous one, you have to add one to all those that are greater or equal to the previous number, if on the contrary the new value is less than the new one you have to subtract 1 from all those that are smaller up to the previous number


    A = valor nuevo
    B = valor anterior
    V = valor de otro registro
    Si A < B
       Suma 1 si V >= A && V < B;
    Si A > B
       Resta 1 si V < A && V >= B


    |prioridad|actividad  |
    |   1     |act4       |
    |   2     |act1       |
    |   3     |act2       |
    |   2     |act3       | //act3 paso a prioridad 2, la anterior era 4
    |   5     |act5       |

    Then, as I mentioned, the new value is lower than the previous one, so we have to add 1 to all the values greater than and equal to 2 and less than 4

    In this case, it would only be added to priority 2, converting it to 3 and priority 3 converting it to 4


    |prioridad|actividad  |
    |   1     |act4       |
    |   4     |act1       | //act1 paso a prioridad 4, la anterior 2
    |   3     |act2       |
    |   4     |act3       |
    |   5     |act5       |

    As now the new number is greater than the previous one, we subtract all the numbers that are greater than 2 and less than or equal to 4; in this case it would only be subtracted from 3, converting it to 2 and to 4 converting it to 3

    In your database, update directly in the query from the php,

    $query = "
     UPDATE ACT_Agenda SET ".$_POST["name"]." = '".$_POST["value"]."'
     WHERE id_agenda = '".$_POST["pk"]."'";
    $resultt=mysqli_query($conn, $query);
    if($resultt && $_POST["name"] == 'prioridad'){
       if($valorAnterior < $_POST["value"])
           $query2 = "UPDATE ACT_Agenda SET prioridad = prioridad + 1
         WHERE id_agenda <> $_POST['pk'] AND prioridad BETWEEN $valorAnterior AND $_POST['value']";
           $query2 = "UPDATE ACT_Agenda SET prioridad = prioridad - 1
         WHERE id_agenda <> $_POST['pk'] AND prioridad BETWEEN $valorAnterior AND $_POST['value']";
       mysqli_query($conn, $query2);
    if($resultt) {
      echo "YES";
     } else {
      echo "NO";

    Where $ previous value is the previous value mentioned at the beginning, whether you can bring it from the POST in the form or from the SQL query, it is up to you. p>

    NOTE : I did this with sql direct since that is your query so that you could understand it, but this form is not recommended, you should look for and read about prepared queries, since it is the form adequate to make sql queries

    answered by 05.09.2018 в 17:31

    Hello this would work for you, I have added a class for the connection to the database, I imagine you will have yours, but as I have done using this file that had already done, I have put it, if not You understand something.

            $activityToUpdate = 5;
            $row = 2;
            $servidor = "localhost";
            $user = "root";
            $password = "******";
            $baseDatos = "AGENDA";
            require_once '../conexionMysqli.php';
            $agenda = new ServidorBaseDatos($servidor, $user, $password, $baseDatos);
            $agenda->consulta("SELECT * FROM act_agenda WHERE ID_AGENDA !=".$activityToUpdate." ORDER BY PRIORIDAD ASC");
            $update = new ServidorBaseDatos($servidor, $user, $password, $baseDatos);
            echo '<p>ACTIVIDAD: '.$activityToUpdate." PRIORIDAD: 1</p>";
            while ($fila = $agenda->extraerRegistro()) {
                        foreach ($fila as $indice => $valor) {
                            switch ($indice){
                                case 'ID_AGENDA':
                                    $id_agenda = $valor;
                        $update->consulta("UPDATE act_agenda SET PRIORIDAD=".$row." WHERE ID_AGENDA=".$id_agenda);
                        echo '<p>ID_AGENDA: '.$id_agenda." PRIORIDAD: ".$row."</p>";
                        $row += 1; 
                    $update->consulta("UPDATE act_agenda SET PRIORIDAD=1 WHERE ID_AGENDA=".$activityToUpdate);

    This would be another way to do it:

        $activityToUpdate = 10;
        $row = 1;
        $servidor = "localhost";
        $user = "root";
        $password = "*******";
        $baseDatos = "AGENDA";
        require_once '../conexionMysqli.php';
        $agenda = new ServidorBaseDatos($servidor, $user, $password, $baseDatos);
        $agenda->consulta("SELECT * FROM act_agenda ORDER BY PRIORIDAD ASC");
        while ($fila = $agenda->extraerRegistro()) {
                    $update = new ServidorBaseDatos($servidor, $user, $password, $baseDatos);
                    foreach ($fila as $indice => $valor) {
                        switch ($indice){
                            case 'ID_AGENDA':
                                $id_agenda = $valor;
                            case 'PRIORIDAD':
                                $prioridad = $valor;
                            case 'ACTIVIDAD':
                                $actividad = $valor;
                    if($id_agenda==$activityToUpdate && $prioridad==1){
                        $row =0;
                    } else if($id_agenda==$activityToUpdate && $row>0) {
                        $prioridad = 1;
                        $update->consulta("UPDATE act_agenda SET PRIORIDAD=".$prioridad." WHERE ID_AGENDA=".$activityToUpdate);
                    } else if($prioridad<=$row && $row>0){
                        $row = $row + 1;
                        $update->consulta("UPDATE act_agenda SET PRIORIDAD=".$row." WHERE ID_AGENDA=".$id_agenda);   
                    echo '<p>INDICE: '.$id_agenda." PRIORIDAD: ".$prioridad." ACTIVIDAD: ".$actividad."</p>";

    This is the class that I used for the connection of the database:

    header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
    class ServidorBaseDatos {
        private $servidor;
        private $usuario;
        private $password;
        private $baseDatos;
        private $descriptor;
        function __construct($servidor, $user, $password, $baseDatos) {
            $this->servidor = $servidor;
            $this->usuario = $user;
            $this->password = $password;
            $this->baseDatos = $baseDatos;
        private function conectarBaseDatos() {
            $this->descriptor = mysqli_connect($this->servidor, $this->usuario, $this->password, $this->baseDatos);
        public function consulta($consulta) {
            $this->resultado = mysqli_query($this->descriptor, $consulta);
        public function extraerRegistro() {
            $fila = mysqli_fetch_array($this->resultado, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
            if ($fila) {
                return $fila;
            } else {
                return false;
        public function cerrarConexion() {

    You could also make a function within the DatabaseServer class, so you can access the function from any part of the application.

    answered by 07.09.2018 в 22:37

    Try the following update:

    $consulta = '
    update ACT_AGENDA
    set prioridad = case 
      when prioridad < (select prioridad 
                        from (SELECT * FROM ACT_AGENDA) as t 
                        where id_agenda = '.$_POST['pk'].') 
           and prioridad >= '.$_POST['value'].'
        then prioridad + 1
      when prioridad > (select prioridad 
                        from (SELECT * FROM ACT_AGENDA) as t 
                        where id_agenda = '.$_POST['pk'].') 
           and prioridad <= '.$_POST['value'].'
         then prioridad - 1
      when id_agenda = '.$_POST['pk'].' then '.$_POST['value'].'
      else prioridad

    In this link you have an example of that same update. In the example, I change category 5: from the original value 5 to the new value 2

    answered by 08.09.2018 в 04:03

    You would have to UPDATE ar the whole table with the new ordered values, one way to achieve it is with a query that returns the priorities changed leaving space between the priorities to put the new priority there.

    A. the SELECT query

    To achieve this we first make a SELECT that returns the prioridad original * 2 , so there is room to put the element that changes. Special case is the activity that changes its priority, for this it returns nueva prioridad * 2 - 1 if the new priority is lower and nueva prioridad * 2 + 1 if it is greater or equal (to the current priority). This difference is to fall before or after the activity that "replaces".

    an example to see it clearer:

    Change act5 to priority 3 :

    |original |         |temporal |
    |   1     |act1     |    2    |  <- original(1) * 2 -> 1*2 = 2
    |   2     |act2     |    4    |
    |   3     |act3     |    6    |  <- original(3) * 2 -> 3*2 = 6
    |   4     |act4     |    8    |
    |   5     |act5     |    5    |  <- original(5) >= nueva(3) -> nueva * 2 - 1 -> 3*2-1 = 5

    When ordering by prioridad temporal : 2, 4, 5 , 6, 8

    |original |         |temporal |
    |   1     |act1     |    2    |  <- prioridad original * 2
    |   2     |act2     |    4    |
    |   5     |act5     |    5    |  <- nueva prioridad * 2 - 1 
    |   3     |act3     |    6    |
    |   4     |act4     |    8    |

    We added a counter to obtain a range of priorities between 1 and 5:

    |prioridad| actividad | prioridad | prioridad |
    |original |           | temporal  | nueva     |
    |   1     |act1       |     2     |     1     |      
    |   2     |act2       |     4     |     2     |
    |   5     |act5       |     5     |     3     |
    |   3     |act3       |     6     |     4     |
    |   4     |act4       |     8     |     5     |

    Written in SQL :

    SET @actividad = 'act5';
    SET @prioridad = 3;
      prioridad AS prioridadoriginal,
        WHEN (actividad = @actividad)
           THEN IF (
           prioridad >= @prioridad,
           @prioridad * 2 - 1,
           @prioridad * 2 + 1 )
        ELSE (prioridad * 2)
      END AS prioridadtemporal,
      @rank:=@rank+1 AS prioridadnueva
    FROM ACT_Agenda
    ORDER BY prioridadtemporal ASC

    See it working: link

    B. the UPDATE

    To do the UPDATE based on a SELECT you have to do a JOIN , something like this:

    SET @actividad = 'act5';
    SET @prioridad = 3;
    SET @rank=0;
    UPDATE ACT_Agenda A
        WHEN (actividad = @actividad)
          THEN IF (
            prioridad >= @prioridad,
            @prioridad * 2 - 1,
            @prioridad * 2 + 1 )
          ELSE (prioridad * 2)
        END AS prioridadtemporal,
        @rank:=@rank+1 AS prioridadnueva
      FROM ACT_Agenda
      ORDER BY prioridadtemporal ASC
      ) AS T on T.actividad = A.actividad
    SET A.prioridad = T.prioridadnueva

    See it working: link

    C. the PHP

    To make the index ( @rank ) start in 0 you have to make two queries: the SET and the UPDATE , put everything in a single query does not work unless you use multi_query but there we can not binde the parameters as prepared statement. It would be something like this:

    $actividad = "act5"; $prioridad = intval(3);
    // Multiple queries
    $query1 = "SET @rank=0";
    $query2 = "
    UPDATE ACT_Agenda A
        prioridad AS prioridadoriginal,
          WHEN (actividad = ?)
           THEN IF ( prioridad >= ?, ? * 2 - 1, ? * 2 + 1 )
          ELSE (prioridad * 2)
        END AS prioridadtemporal,
        @rank:=@rank+1 AS prioridadnueva
      FROM ACT_Agenda
      ORDER BY prioridadtemporal ASC
      ) AS T on T.actividad = A.actividad
    SET A.prioridad = T.prioridadnueva
    // Query 1 : SET @rank
    $stmt1 = $mysqli->stmt_init();
    // Query 2 : prepare & bind params
    $stmt = $mysqli->stmt_init();
    if ($stmt->prepare($query2)) {
      $stmt->bind_param("siii", $actividad, $prioridad, $prioridad, $prioridad);

    Note: Due to limitations in the way of doing the binding, you must repeat $prioridad to fill in all the occurrences.

    answered by 08.09.2018 в 18:14