Attribute _id and id in Database


When creating a database either externally or using java code, we must create an attribute Primary key Autoincrement called _id .

With which, if I have in my relational database a id_producto in a table called Productos and I wish that id_producto is also Primary key and Autoincrement I can not because the attribute _id is already Primary key with which the Primary key of the table would be composed.

How can this be managed?

asked by aldakur 09.11.2016 в 13:31

2 answers


It is not possible to create multiple primary keys in a table.

Use a unique index has the same operation as a primary key:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pkindex ON "table1"("field1","field2");
answered by 10.11.2016 / 01:46

If I'm not wrong, this is not possible with SQLite however, you can create a UNIQUE INDEX that in essence, is the same as a Primary key

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX primary_key ON "tu_tabla"("_id","producto_id");
answered by 09.11.2016 в 13:37