How to change the alert message for forms inputs?


How do I place a personalized message to the Firefox, Chrome and Edge alerts when the Inputs type: text, number, tel, etc. Have they not been filled in or have erroneous content? For example:

Mail: Empty?

{$ Message ("Please place a valid email to contact you.")}


mail1234 @ URL (URL invalidates without ".com", which in this case the browser is satisfied with having only one letter after "@")

{$ Message ("Please check the Mail.")}

I want to modify this message "Fill in this field":

asked by JLAcostaE 18.01.2018 в 02:43

2 answers


This can be done by defining your own error messages with setCustomValidity .

What you would do is read the event onInvalid that is launched when the field is invalid (eg if it is required but left empty, or if it has a pattern that is not met), check what went wrong and show a personalized message that you would define with setCustomValidity . You should also add logic when changing the field to remove the message if the problem was solved.

Here I am going to leave an example for an email: it is verified that it is not empty, that it has an at sign (@) and that it has a ".com" after the @:

function comprobarNombre(valor, campo) {
  var mensaje = "";
  // comprobar los posibles errores
  if (this.value == "") {
    mensaje = "El email no puede estar vacío";
  } else if (this.value.indexOf("@") < 0) {
    mensaje = "El email debe contener una @";
  } else if (this.value.indexOf(".com", this.value.indexOf("@")) < 0) {
    mensaje = "El email debe contener .com detras de la @";
  // mostrar/resetear mensaje (el mensaje se resetea poniendolo a "")

var email = document.querySelector("#email");

// cuando se cambie el valor del campo o sea incorrecto, mostrar/resetear mensaje
email.addEventListener("invalid", comprobarNombre);
email.addEventListener("input", comprobarNombre);
  <input type="text" id="email" name="email" value="" required />
  <input type="submit" value="Enviar" />

You can do the same for your email field, checking that it contains only one @, that the first character is not a ".", etc. (You could also put the type "email" at input that will do many of those checks for you).

answered by 18.01.2018 / 04:18

The solution to my question is the following:

Using this simple parameter inside the Input tag you can modify the alert message in case there is an error in the Input that would be:


oninvalid="this.setCustomValidity('El mensaje que se desea mostrar')"

To get the following input:

<input type="text" name="nombre" required oninvalid="this.setCustomValidity('Por favor ingresa tu nombre')">

And with that I got the result I wanted, however I still doubt to check the mail field if it is not correct ... I keep investigating and hoping that someone can help me because I really do not know where to start this code, I am new in this ...

answered by 18.01.2018 в 04:25