How can I resolve this query?


They ask me: what is the most expensive mazda brand vehicle plate sold in 2017?

I have 3 tables: vehicle, owner, sale

  • Vehicle: primary key plate, color, make, model
  • Owner: id primary key, identity card, name, surname, email.
  • Sale: idven primary key, owner, vehicle, price, date

I made this sentence but it does not give me

Select placa from vehiculo Where marca='mazda' and (select max(precio) from venta);

How could I do it?

asked by julian baltan 30.07.2017 в 02:02

2 answers


It is not necessary to use subqueries in this case, it would be advisable to use a INNER JOIN to join the records found in tables vehiculo and venta using the foreign key placa .

In the condition ( WHERE ) you must indicate both the brand and the year in which the sale was made (ex: 2017), if the date has the format YYYY-MM-DD use YEAR() to obtain only the year.

With the clause ORDER BY you can order the sales in a descending way taking into account the price, that is, from the most expensive to the cheapest and with ROW_NUM limit the query so that you only return the first record ( the most expensive sale of all).

SELECT placa
FROM vehiculo
INNER JOIN venta ON vehiculo.placa = venta.vehiculo
WHERE marca = "mazda" AND YEAR(fecha) = "2017"


Consists of a process in which rules are applied on each of the tables to avoid redundancy of data, to reduce problems when updating data and to protect the referential integrity of data.


  • One or more vehicles will have the same model
  • One or more models will belong to a brand
  • Only by transitive dependence a vehicle will belong to a brand, that is, a vehicle to be a model x will have a brand y

Vehículo > Modelo > Marca


In your table vehiculo the columns modelo and marca are going to have data redundancy, which means that the same values will be repeated in multiple registers ( That's bad! ).

The problems that could cause you are:

  • Take up more disk space
  • Difficulty queries SQL especially if there are values that are not identical ( masda and mazda )


New tables are created to avoid redundancy of the data.

  • Create a table marca with the columns id_marca and nombre
  • Create a table modelo with the columns id_modelo , nombre and id_marca (FK)
  • Modify table vehiculo , delete columns marca and modelo and add the foreign key id_modelo

How would the SQL query look?

Assuming the id_marca 1 belongs to the "Mazda" brand.

SELECT placa
FROM vehiculo
INNER JOIN modelo ON vehiculo.id_modelo = modelo.id_modelo
INNER JOIN venta ON vehiculo.placa = venta.vehiculo
WHERE modelo.id_marca = 1 AND YEAR(venta.fecha) = "2017"
ORDER BY venta.precio DESC
answered by 30.07.2017 в 02:22
Select veh.placa from vehiculo veh, 
      venta ven where veh.placa=ven.vehiculo and ven.precio >= 
      select max(precio) from venta venx , vehiculo vehx 
            where venx.vehiculo = vehx.placa and vehx.marca = 'mazda'
answered by 30.07.2017 в 02:58