What you want to do will depend a lot on one or two factors:
- The start / end size of the image
- The time interval in which growth will take place
If the start size is the actual size of the image, you will need to define a time interval in which the increments of + 5px / day will be made (right now you have the target date X, you would need a date of origin Y, to be able to calculate growth).
If the final size is the actual size of the image, then you do not need an interval, because it is already limited by the size of the image and it would be size / 5 days.
Once that decision is made, you will have a number that will represent the number of days in which the image will grow. From there, the logic is simple (although it will change slightly from one method to the other).
I'm going to build on that the starting size is the actual size of the image and it grows as the days go by and the counter approaches zero. The algortimo would be something like this:
Get the number of days in the countdown (I'll call it Remaining) using the function you already have in countDown
Get the number of days the image will change in size (I'll call it Totals). This value must really have it from before.
If Totales <= Restantes
means that we have not yet reached the time in which the image grows, so nothing would be done. Skip to step 6.
If Totales > Restantes
, means that the countdown has already started / ended ( countDown
returns 0 if the countdown has already ended), then:
Calculate the total increase, which would be tamaño imagen + Totales*5
Change the size of the image to be the new size
And the code could be something like this:
// definimos los días totales
var diasTotales = 100;
// tamaño real de la imagen
var tamaReal = 0;
$("#countdownDays").countdown("2017/01/31", function(event) {
// obtenemos los días restantes
var diasRestantes = parseInt(event.strftime('%D'));
// los escribimos por pantalla
$(this).text( diasRestantes );
// si estamos dentro del rango de crecimiento diasRestantes < diasTotales
if (diasRestantes < diasTotales) {
// si no se ha calculado antes, obtenemos el tamaño real de la imagen
// para evitar que se recalcule el tamaño una vez redimensionada la imagen
if (tamaReal == 0) { tamaReal = $("#resize").width(); }
// calculamos el nuevo tamaño
var nuevoTama = tamaReal + (diasTotales - diasRestantes)*5;
$("#resize").width( nuevoTama );
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="//cdn.rawgit.com/hilios/jQuery.countdown/2.2.0/dist/jquery.countdown.min.js"></script>
<div class="info-item">
<div id="countdownDays" class="contador">
<p class="info-text">DAYS</P>
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/Zxwanjt.jpg" class="image" id="resize">