I have a jsp in which it is sent to call a javascript file in the following way
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/webresorces/js/validacion.js" />"></script>
The file js contains the validations of the fields of the form that is in my jsp, I have something like this
var validator = $("#consulta").validate({
rules: {
number: true,
maxlenght: 16
number: "El campo debe ser num\u00e9rico",
maxlenght: "El campo debe ser de 6 posiciones"
The problem is that it does not take the accents, rare characters come out, and it is that previously this code to validate the fields had it inside the jsp and put the normal accents and if I took them, but placing the validation in an external file does not work well
what can it be? I already tried placing the words with the normal accent and using in unicode but none takes them