I would like to see how I can obtain a regular expression to get the result in brackets without considering the sub brackets, I will explain with an example
let txt = F[aaa(0,0,0)] otra texto F[bbb(1,1,1)]
let regExp = /F\[([^\]]+)\]/g;
let matches = txt.match(regExp);
For which obtain an arrangement with the following:
I have the problem when I have the following:
let txt = F[aaa( F[ccc(2,2,2)],0,0)] otra texto F[bbb(1,1,1)]
For which to obtain an arrangement with the following:
F[aaa( F[ccc(2,2,2)] , F[bbb(1,1,1)]
and what I would like to obtain would be the following:
F[aaa( F[ccc(2,2,2)],0,0)] y F[bbb(1,1,1)]
In addition to this case I would like to consider all possible cases for example for 3 sub brackets:
let txt = F[aaa( F[ccc( F[ddd(3,3,3)],2,2)],0,0)] otra texto F[bbb(1,1,1)]
For what I would like to get
F[aaa( F[ccc( F[ddd(3,3,3)],2,2)],0,0)] y F[bbb(1,1,1)]