What I want to achieve is to keep some labels
hidden either through its clase
or its ID
, what I'm trying to achieve is a accordion
dynamically in horizontal format.
If I click on any accordion
this should hide all the tabs except the one that was selected, this is already done on average, because when the objetos
not selected are hidden the accorcdion
change size .
This is how it looks when HTML elements are hidden
and when I enter the system, it looks like that and should be seen in that same size.
Code to hide elements:
function ocultarInfo() {
Code to show the elements of the selected Accordion
function verInfo(conta) {
if (conta == 2) {
$('#txtNombre' + conta).show();
$('#txtCertificado' + conta).show();
$('#txtRFC' + conta).show();
$('#txtSistema' + conta).show();
$('#txtPais' + conta).show();
$('#txtEstado' + conta).show();
$('#txtTelefono' + conta).show();
$('#txtDireccion' + conta).show();
$('#txtCodigo' + conta).show();
setTimeout(ocultarInfo, 2000);
It already hides the elements to me only that when it does the accordion
changes size and the new elements that should be seen are not seen correctly.