In the end I have achieved it, although it will not be the most usual way it has served me for what I wanted. What I do is before processing the sheet I select it whole and apply a specific background color to all the rows, luckily Google Spreadsheet only applies it to the rows resulting from applying the filter. Therefore when processing the sheet the only thing I do is ask for the background color of each row and so I know what are the result of the filter. At the end of the process I return to leave all the rows with the original background color. I already tell you that it is probably not the most usual way but it has served me and while Google does not offer functions to access the filters ...
function docReport() {
try {
splashScreen("Generando informe...");
var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var numberOfColumns = activeSheet.getLastColumn();
var numberOfRows = activeSheet.getLastRow();
var activeRow, rowRange;
var titleRow = activeSheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, numberOfColumns).getValues();
//Set los fondos a otro color para identificar las líneas a las líneas que tienen filtro
activeSheet.setActiveSelection("2:" + activeSheet.getLastRow()).setBackground("#fffff9");
var docReport = DocumentApp.create(REPORT_FILE_NAME);
var bodyReport = docReport.getBody();
for (var row = 2; row <= numberOfRows; row++) { //Empieza en 2 ya que no incluyo la fila de los títulos
rowRange = activeSheet.getRange(row, 1, 1, numberOfColumns);
if (rowRange.getBackground() == "#fffff9") { //If it has #fffff9 background, it means that it is a filtered row
activeSheet.setActiveSelection(row + ":" + row).setBackground("#ffffff"); //Volvemos a dejar los fondos en blanco
activeRow = rowRange.getValues();
if (!isEmpty(activeRow[0], numberOfColumns)) {
var image = UrlFetchApp.fetch(IMG);
bodyReport.appendParagraph(" S.J.").setAttributes(styleTextBlue);
bodyReport.appendParagraph(DATE_REPORT + "\r\n\r\n").setAttributes(styleDate);
for (var col = 1; col < numberOfColumns; col++) { //Ignoramos la columna 1 que es el contador
if (activeRow[0][col] != "") { //Si el valor es vacio no lo imprimimos
if (col == COLUMN_NORMA)
bodyReport.appendParagraph(String(activeRow[0][col]).trim()).setAttributes(styleTextNorma); //Incluimos contenido
else {
bodyReport.appendParagraph(titleRow[0][col]).setAttributes(styleTitle); //Incluimos título
bodyReport.appendParagraph(String(activeRow[0][col]).trim()).setAttributes(styleText); //Incluimos contenido
activeSheet.setActiveSelection("2:" + activeSheet.getLastRow()).setBackground("#ffffff"); //Volvemos a dejar los fondos en blanco menos primera fila
MailApp.sendEmail(Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(), "Informe " + REPORT_FILE_NAME + " generado",
'Se ha creado un nuevo informe "' + REPORT_FILE_NAME + '" en su unidad Google Drive: \n\r' + docReport.getUrl());
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('Se ha creado un nuevo informe "' + REPORT_FILE_NAME + '" en su unidad Google Drive \r\n');
} catch(e) {
Logger.log("ERROR in function createPdf \r\nMessage: " + e.message + "\r\nFile gs: " + e.fileName + "\r\nLine: " + e.lineNumber)
Logger.log("\r\nUser: " + Session.getActiveUser().getEmail() + ", Date: " + Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT+1", "yyyyMMdd'_'HH:mm:ss"));
MailApp.sendEmail(EMAIL_DEV, SUBJECT_MAIL, Logger.getLog());