Call angularjs function from javascript


In an application that I am doing, I was asked to open the application from the browser. Install the plugin cordova-plugin-customurlscheme to define this and it works perfectly.

From the browser, I receive certain values when the application is opened, try to define the function handleOpenURL within the controller, but I receive the error:


Uncaught ReferenceError: handleOpenURL is not defined       at: 1: 1

I was investigating this error and it is solved adding it in the file index.html as a <script> staying like this:

    handleOpenURL = function (url) {

However, upon receiving the URL I would like to obtain the parameters, for example I receive the alert


And I would also like to handle events of angularjs as redirect or send an alert ionic , however I do not know if you can access a function of a controller outside of it, if this happens to be bad practice or some possible solution.

asked by sioesi 10.01.2017 в 13:01

1 answer


I am currently using the service you need in an Ionic App, I recommend you do it in the following way:

1 - Install the following plugin and modify testapp by the name you want:

    cordova plugin add \
 --variable URL_SCHEME=testapp

2 - In your app.js insert this snippet of code:

.run(['$state', '$window',
    function($state, $window) {
        $window.addEventListener('LaunchUrl', function(event) {
            // gets page name from url
            var page =/.*:[/]{2}([^?]*)[?]?(.*)/.exec(event.detail.url)[1];
            // redirects to page specified in url
            $state.go('app.'+ page, {});

function handleOpenURL(url) {
    setTimeout( function() {
        var event = new CustomEvent('LaunchUrl', {detail: {'url': url}});
    }, 0);

3 - Add a status on your router provider:

.state(', {
    url: '/page,
    views: {
        'menuContent': {
            templateUrl: 'templates/yourtempalte.html',
            controller: 'PageCtrl'

4 - From your web app call window.location = 'testapp: // parameter' and it should work.

You already tell us, regards!

answered by 10.01.2017 / 14:17