Greetings, such. I have an app that shows the people registered for an event and its corresponding place.
Code in jade. Broadly speaking it is a list that shows the name of the person, in which table is located and how many guests have
h2.centralCont--titulo INVITADOS
li(ng-repeat="mesa in mesas")
div(ng-repeat="nombre in mesa.integrantes | filter:buscar").centralCont-invitado
div.centralCont-contNombre(ng-hide="nombre.nombre === 'Acompañante'")
input(type="checkbox" ng-model="nombre.done" ng-click="onMark($event)").checkbox
h3.centrarCont--invtNombre(ng-click="mostrar()") {{nombre.nombre}}
button(type="button" ng-show="!mesa.visible" ng-click="mesa.visible = true") Mostrar
button(type="button" ng-show="mesa.visible" ng-click="mesa.visible = true") Ocultar
p.central-cont--mesa {{nombre.mesa}}
p.centralCont--entrada Mesa
What I have not been able to do is that if I click on a guest who is at table 1, show me all the guests from table 1 on another div (only the names) and then I click on a guest that is on table two hide the guests of table 1 and show the guests of table two
in js I have several things.
$scope.mesas = [{
"mesa": "mesa1",
"integrantes": [{
"nombre": "Susana Sofia Urrea Sotelo",
"mesa": "1",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
}, {
"nombre": "Alan Meyer Zaragoza",
"mesa": "1",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"nombre": "Karla Irene Urrea Sotelo",
"mesa": "1",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"nombre": "Marcus",
"mesa": "1",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"nombre": "Nelly Ponce Sotelo",
"mesa": "1",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"nombre": "Acompañante",
"mesa": "1",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"nombre": "Grecia Magdalena Sotelo Lara",
"mesa": "1",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"nombre": "Celso",
"mesa": "1",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"nombre": "Paulina Sotelo Medina",
"mesa": "1",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
}, {
"nombre": "Acompañante",
"mesa": "1",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"mesa": "mesa2",
"integrantes": [{
"nombre": "Ivan Ponce Sotelo",
"mesa": "2",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
}, {
"nombre": "Karla Sandoval",
"mesa": "2",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"nombre": "Jorge Echeagaray Sotelo",
"mesa": "2",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"nombre": "Jose Arturo Otero Davila",
"mesa": "2",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"nombre": "Humberto Jimenez Arellano",
"mesa": "2",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"nombre": "David Aceves",
"mesa": "2",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"nombre": "Arturo Fernando Lomeli Sotelo",
"mesa": "2",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"nombre": "Zaira",
"mesa": "2",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
"nombre": "Scarlete Sanchez Sotelo",
"mesa": "2",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
}, {
"nombre" : "luis",
"mesa": "2",
"entradas": "1",
"usadas": "0,",
"done" : false,
and a code that checks me out
"use stric";
var app = angular.module("app", ["ngMaterial"]);
app.controller("MesasCtrl", ($scope) =>{
$scope.people = 0;
$scope.markedPeople = 0;
(() => {
$scope.mesas.forEach(table => {
table.integrantes.forEach(member => {
if(member.nombre !== 'Acompañante' && member.nombre) {
$scope.onMark = (ev) => {
if( {
} else {
Where I want the names to appear is this part of the view
h2.centralCont--titulo INFORMACIÓN DE LA MESA
div(ng-repeat="mesa in mesas")
p(ng-repeat="nombre in mesa.integrantes", ng-class="{'done-true':nombre.done}").centralCont-invitado__text {{nombre.nombre}}