Filter Angular JS by topic


I have a website with questions that are loaded with Angular JS . These questions have title, answer and subject to which they belong. I want to include an option to navigate between themes, on the one hand by clicking on previous and next, and on the other hand being able to select with a few buttons which theme you want to go to.

HTML Code:

<div ng-app="preguntas" ng-controller="controles">
    <div id="izquierda" class="controles">
    <div id="derecha" class="controles">

    <div class="todasPreguntas">
        <input type="search" ng-model="buscar" id="buscar" placeholder="BUSCAR">
        <p ng-model="search.tema" placeholder="TEMA" >1</p>
            <li ng-repeat="x in names | filter : buscar | filter:search:strict" class="pregunta">
                <h2 class="title">{{x.pregunta}}</h2>
                <p> {{x.respuesta}}</p>
asked by Dalfageme 16.11.2016 в 13:33

2 answers


I was quite entertained doing this until I succeeded, I leave you a codepen so you can see it working Codepen

<button ng-click="anterior();" ng-disabled="anterior_disabled" class="title text-center">Anterior</button>
<button ng-click="siguiente();" ng-disabled="siguiente_disabled" class="title text-center">Siguiente</button>
<br> Seleccione tema
<select ng-model="tema_select" ng-options="tema as tema.nombre_tema for tema in temas track by tema.nombre_tema">
    <option value="" selected>Todos</option>
<div ng-repeat="x in names | filter: tema_select.nombre_tema ">
    <h2 class="title">{{x.pregunta}}</h2>
    <p> {{x.respuesta}}</p>


$scope.names = [{
    pregunta: "¿Pregunta 1?",
    respuesta: "Respuesa 1",
    tema: "tema 1"
}, {
    pregunta: "¿Pregunta 2?",
    respuesta: "Respuesta 2",
    tema: "tema 2"
}, {
    pregunta: "¿Pregunta 3?",
    respuesta: "Respuesta 3",
    tema: "tema 3"
}, ];
$scope.temas = [];
$ = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.names, function(value, key) {
    $scope.temas.push({ nombre_tema: value.tema });
$scope.clickButton = function(nombre_tema) {
    $scope.tema_select = { nombre_tema: nombre_tema };
$scope.siguiente_disabled = false;
$scope.anterior_disabled = true;
$scope.siguiente = function() {
    $scope.tema_select = { nombre_tema: $scope.temas[$].nombre_tema };
    if ($ == $scope.temas.length) {
        $scope.siguiente_disabled = true;
        $scope.anterior_disabled = false;
$scope.anterior = function() {
    $scope.tema_select = { nombre_tema: $scope.temas[$].nombre_tema };
    if ($ == 0) {
        $scope.anterior_disabled = true;
        $scope.siguiente_disabled = false;

To make it work, the first thing I did was to do an array of questions that contain Question, answer and a topic. Then I made a $scope.temas arrangement where I separate the themes from the main array only.

I create a <select> to filter by topic with a ng-repeat and making options.

<select ng-model="tema_select" ng-options="tema as tema.nombre_tema for tema in temas track by tema.nombre_tema">
  <option value="" selected>Todos</option>

Then to the <div> that I repeat the publications I add the filter of ng-model of the selector.

<div ng-repeat="x in names | filter: tema_select.nombre_tema ">
  <h2 class="title">{{x.pregunta}}</h2>
  <p> {{x.respuesta}}</p>

Then I worked on the buttons, how do you create an array temas each theme has an index, in this case temas[0] = 'tema_1 and so on with the others if there were (I added only 3). Then create a variable $ = 0 that will be the index of this array. When you click on the button Siguiente it searches in the array temas the index for the value of $ that in the first instance is 0, therefore it brings the first and then adds a value $ so that when you click again on Siguiente , look for the second element. If the value of $ is equal to $scope.temas.lenght , deactivates the next button and activates the previous one. The same functionality has the button Anterior but here the value of $ is subtracted until reaching 0 which is the last item.

If you find any detail, just let us know!

answered by 16.11.2016 в 17:33

Use the following:

ng-repeat=" x in names | filter: { pregunta: buscar || respuesta : buscar }
answered by 04.01.2017 в 00:37