Make Select in all columns except in 2 specific [duplicate]


I have the colunnas

mapa, numero, mob1, mob2, mob3, mob4 asi hasta el mob400

In sql I want to do something like say this

SELECT * NOT IN(Mapa, numero)
FROM Tabla
WHERE mapa = 1

can it be done that only the columns are not shown without having to name the other 400?

asked by Juan Carlos Villamizar Alvarez 16.11.2016 в 02:48

3 answers


Personally, I would redesign the table so that you do not have so many columns, maybe dividing the table into 2, with a structure similar to this one (obviously, I do not know the types of your fields, it's just an approximation):

create table master (
  id int not null primary key,
  mapa int,
  numero int  

create table detail (
  id int not null primary key,
  fk_id int not null,
  mob int not null,
  seq int not null,
  constraint detail_fk foreign key (fk_id) references master(id)

In this way, instead of having a row with mob1, mob2, mob3, ..., mob400 , you would have 400 records in the second table sharing the same foreign key, but with different values for seq .

This structure would simplify your problem of having to handle hundreds of columns in your query.

But if you can not (or do not want to) make the change, and you really want to do select of all the columns minus those 2, you could use the technique proposed in this solution: link .

It would be a bit complicated in a query, but it works well:

declare @cols varchar(max), @query varchar(max);
            SELECT DISTINCT '], [' + name
            FROM sys.columns
            where object_id = (
                select top 1 object_id from sys.objects
                where name = 'tbl' -- reemplaza "tbl" por el nombre de tu tabla
            and name not in ('mapa', 'numero') -- excluir las 2 columnas aquí
            FOR XML PATH('')
        ), 1, 2, ''
    ) + ']';

SELECT @query = 'select ' + @cols + ' from tbl'; -- reemplaza "tbl" por el nombre de tu tabla
EXEC (@query);


And one more option, is to use the same previous technique, but instead of excluding the unwanted columns, you could only include the columns that begin with mob . This may be preferable in your case:

declare @cols varchar(max), @query varchar(max);
            SELECT DISTINCT '], [' + name
            FROM sys.columns
            where object_id = (
                select top 1 object_id from sys.objects
                where name = 'tbl' -- reemplaza "tbl" por el nombre de tu tabla
            and name like 'mob%' -- incluir las columnas que comienzan por "mob"
            FOR XML PATH('')
        ), 1, 2, ''
    ) + ']';

SELECT @query = 'select ' + @cols + ' from tbl'; -- reemplaza "tbl" por el nombre de tu tabla
EXEC (@query);


answered by 16.11.2016 / 05:56

As @Andre commented, it is not possible to do it the way

SELECT * NOT IN(Mapa, numero)
FROM Tabla

Now to solve it, you could use the following:

  • Put together a view that only has the fields you need, then do

    SELECT *
    FROM Vista

    As a positive you will have the SQL Server query optimizer acting every time you call at sight.

  • You could do it by means of a temporary table in the following way

    SELECT * INTO #TablaTemporal
    FROM Tabla
    WHERE mapa = 1
    /* A continuación borrás las columnas que no necesitás */
    ALTER TABLE #TablaTemporal
    DROP COLUMN mapa
    ALTER TABLE #TablaTemporal
    DROP COLUMN numero
    /* Por ultimo, consultas la tabla y la borras*/
    SELECT * FROM #TablaTemporal
    DROP TABLE #TablaTemporal

    This solution saves you having to write all the fields, and it works dynamically (unless you change the names of the map and number ), the truth is that which is very inefficient , because every time you execute the query you will assemble a temporary table, fill it out, modify its structure, consult it and finally delete it.

  • answered by 16.11.2016 в 05:26

    This is not possible, you can only bring all the data '*' or specify the columns you need.

    If the columns have a consecutive, you can assemble the query and place the columns you need excluding "Map and Number".

    answered by 16.11.2016 в 02:59