I am planning a project in MEAN and I can hardly find the angle part.
I want to do everything from scratch to learn about gulp and its functionality as well as other tools, however, I ran into the following problem:
When I use the browser-sync
it just does not work. I open the browser as I want and if I open the correct files, but does not update the browser when I ask.
Structure of folders and files
import gulp from "gulp";
import browserify from "browserify";
import source from "vinyl-source-stream";
import htmlmin from "gulp-htmlmin";
import streamify from "gulp-streamify";
import uglify from "gulp-uglify";
let browserSync = require("browser-sync").create();
gulp.task("default", ["serve"]);
gulp.task("move-html", () => {
return gulp.src("index.html")
.pipe(htmlmin({collapseWhitespace: true}))
gulp.task("transpile", ["move-html"], () => {
return browserify("src/app.js")
.on("error", function(error){
console.error( "\nError: ", error.message, "\n");
gulp.task("reload", ["transpile"], () => {
gulp.task("serve", () => {
server: {
baseDir: "dist"
gulp.watch("client/**/*", ["reload"]);
I have reviewed and followed several tutorials but none of them work for me, when I execute the task serve
command (which appears in my gulpfile) the following output appears:
However, when I update my files, the browser reload is not done.