I've been googling and I do not quite understand how to show the sum of a column and show the values of the columns I add.
for example:
Table Users id, first name, value1 value2
I would like to show the sum of the values 1 but I would like you to show me which values have been added.
following the example
I know that the summation is done by making a SELECT id, name, SUM (value1) as sumvalor1
but this demands me a single ROW with the summation and a single name
I would like you to show me something like this:
Greetings! I hope you understand what I say.
PS: I want to show the payment history of a person and the total of payments and that the client can see the date and the payment that I made before the sum of those payments. PS: In the same table there are more than 1 people with different names.
Appointment in block