Hello I have the following problem, I am trying to format numbers with the help of the library jquery-number , the problem is that when I want to assign its properties to the input, I do not achieve it since at the moment of placing said field in the following way {{ form.precio_c }}
and I do not know how to entangle it
the properties of that library to format the number.
I tried to put it in div but it does not work. or is there another way to do it?
What I want to achieve is if I put a number example: 12000 to format it this way 12,000.00
greetings ..
my code is like that ..
<div class="input-field col s3 m3" >
{{ form.precio_c }}
<label for="last_name">{{ form.precio_c.label }}</label>
library properties
id="price" name="number"