I am using ASP.NET, C # and AJAX. What I need to do is send a number of n questions for an exam, where that amount n is a number that the administrator previously registered in a form that sends the data to a database. I already managed to get him to send the questions randomly from the selected topic, the problem is that I do not know how to send the number of questions that the administrator indicated.
That number of questions that will contain the exam are stored in a SQL Server 2012 table called dbo.tema . In the following image you will see that there are 2 subjects (exams) entered for the test, with a number of 10 questions for each one. Therefore, when displaying the exam form, you should show only 10 random questions.
I have a method to list the questions of the topic made in C # with parameters that I send to the database:
public List<Pregunta> ListarPreguntas(String codTema, String noPreguntas)
List<Pregunta> Lista = new List<Pregunta>();
SqlConnection con = null;
SqlCommand cmd = null;
SqlDataReader dr = null;
con = Conexion.getInstance().ConexionBD();
cmd = new SqlCommand("spListarPreguntasPorTema", con);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@prmLimite", noPreguntas);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@prmCodTema", codTema);
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
//Creando objetos de Tema
Pregunta objTema = new Pregunta();
objTema.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["cod_pregunta"].ToString());
objTema.Preg = dr["pregunta"].ToString();
objTema.respuestas = RespuestaDAO.getInstance().ListarRespuestasPorPregunta(objTema.ID);
//Añadiendo a la lista de objetos
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return Lista;
In the stored procedure I have the following:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spListarPreguntasPorTema]
(@prmLimite int,
@prmCodTema int
SELECT TOP (@prmLimite) p.cod_pregunta, p.pregunta
FROM dbo.pregunta AS p
INNER JOIN dbo.tema AS t
ON p.cod_tema = @prmCodTema AND @prmLimite = t.no_preguntas
Where I send to call the questions and they are sorted randomly.
And now in my .js I have the following method:
function cargarExamen(codTema) {
var obj = JSON.stringify({
codTema: codTema,
noPreguntas: 9
type: "POST",
url: "Examen.aspx/ListarPreguntas",
data: obj,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
(xhr.status + " \n" + xhr.responseText, "\n" + thrownError);
success: function (data) {
var c = data.d;
var htmlC = "";
for (var n = 0; n < c.length; n++) {
htmlC += '<div class="col-md-12"><b>' + c[n].Preg + '</b><br>';
for (var n2 = 0; n2 < c[n].respuestas.length; n2++) {
var respuesta = c[n].respuestas[n2];
htmlC += '<div class="col-md-3"><input id="optPreg' + c[n].ID + respuesta.ID + '" type="radio" name="optPreg' + c[n].ID + '" value="' + respuesta.ID + '">'+
' <label for="optPreg' + c[n].ID + respuesta.ID + '">' + respuesta.Resp + '</label>';
htmlC += '</div>'
htmlC += '</div>';
$('.lstTema').css("display", "none");
$('.lstExamen').css("display", "inline");
In the part of noPreguntas: 9
it is like this because it was a static data that I stopped testing, what I need is that instead of a static number it is the number of questions that the administrator indicated.