"parsererror" SyntaxError: Unexpected token in JSON at position 0?


I do not stop getting this same error, I have researched about it and it seems that I am sending as html ... something? The concept does not finish to me to be clear in the other answers that have been with the same problem

include_once 'header.php';

      	$(function() {
      		$(document).on('click', '#delete-btn', function (e) {

      			var obj = {  
			'id-delete': $('#id-delete').val().trim(),
			'id-delete2': $('#id-delete2').val().trim(),

      				url: 'back_delete.php',
      				method: 'POST',
      				data: obj,
      				success: function ( respuesta ){
      					alert( respuesta.mensaje );

      				error: function( e, err, error ){console.log(e, err, error);}
          			//Añadimos un nodo de error, por si pasa algo en el servidor, esto lo vamos a ver en la consola de depuración

<div class="main-wrapper"> 

			<form class="signup-form"  method="POST"> 
			<h2>Eliminar Cuenta</h2>
			<input id="id-delete"type="text" name="id" placeholder="id" required> </input>

			<input id="id-delete2"type="text" name="id2" placeholder="confirme id" required> </input>

			<button id="delete-btn" type="submit" name="submit" value="eliminar"> 


include_once 'footer.php';

And this is my backend

include_once 'conexion.php';

$repuesta = array();
// la transformo en un array osea que pueda guardar multiples valores en una misma variable

if ( $_REQUEST['#id-delete'] !==  $_REQUEST['#id-delete2'] )
	$respuesta['mensaje'] = 'Id incorrecta';



$id_delete = $_REQUEST['id-delete'];

	$sql = "DELETE * FROM Usuario WHERE id = '". $id_delete . "'";
	mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
	// $sql = "UPDATE Usuario SET nick = '". $nicknuevo. "' WHERE id = '".$_SESSION['id'] . "'";

	if (mysqli_affected_rows($conn) > 0) 
		$respuesta['mensaje'] = 'Se elimino con éxito';

		$respuesta['mensaje'] = 'No hubo cambio en la tabla';


header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($respuesta);


EDIT: Fixed Thanks to the best answer that I selected, I checked carefully and I realized that I had if ($ _REQUEST ['# id-delete']! == $ _REQUEST ['# id-delete2']) in my backend but it should be if ($ _REQUEST ['id-delete']! == $ _REQUEST ['id-delete2']) since I can not require the "# id-delete" since I never send a value with that name, but send it as 'id-delete', as you can see in my form 'id-delete': $ ('# id-delete'). val ( ) .trim (), now I no longer have the error (although it still does not delete the table) but the objective of the theme was fulfilled.

EDIT2: Already deleted The following form was not correct

 $sql = "DELETE * FROM Usuario WHERE id = '". $id_delete . "'";

Instead, use this, and it worked.

   $sql = "DELETE FROM Usuario WHERE id = '". $id_delete . "'";
asked by Hoozuki 27.08.2018 в 17:08

1 answer


The problem is that php is sending you an error to see the error placed in the success method of ajax the next thing


and be able to fix it from the php file

PS: you can see the error in the browser console

answered by 27.08.2018 / 17:40