I do not stop getting this same error, I have researched about it and it seems that I am sending as html ... something? The concept does not finish to me to be clear in the other answers that have been with the same problem
include_once 'header.php';
$(function() {
$(document).on('click', '#delete-btn', function (e) {
var obj = {
'id-delete': $('#id-delete').val().trim(),
'id-delete2': $('#id-delete2').val().trim(),
url: 'back_delete.php',
method: 'POST',
data: obj,
success: function ( respuesta ){
alert( respuesta.mensaje );
error: function( e, err, error ){console.log(e, err, error);}
//Añadimos un nodo de error, por si pasa algo en el servidor, esto lo vamos a ver en la consola de depuración
<div class="main-wrapper">
<form class="signup-form" method="POST">
<h2>Eliminar Cuenta</h2>
<input id="id-delete"type="text" name="id" placeholder="id" required> </input>
<input id="id-delete2"type="text" name="id2" placeholder="confirme id" required> </input>
<button id="delete-btn" type="submit" name="submit" value="eliminar">
include_once 'footer.php';
And this is my backend
include_once 'conexion.php';
$repuesta = array();
// la transformo en un array osea que pueda guardar multiples valores en una misma variable
if ( $_REQUEST['#id-delete'] !== $_REQUEST['#id-delete2'] )
$respuesta['mensaje'] = 'Id incorrecta';
$id_delete = $_REQUEST['id-delete'];
$sql = "DELETE * FROM Usuario WHERE id = '". $id_delete . "'";
mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
// $sql = "UPDATE Usuario SET nick = '". $nicknuevo. "' WHERE id = '".$_SESSION['id'] . "'";
if (mysqli_affected_rows($conn) > 0)
$respuesta['mensaje'] = 'Se elimino con éxito';
$respuesta['mensaje'] = 'No hubo cambio en la tabla';
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($respuesta);
EDIT: Fixed Thanks to the best answer that I selected, I checked carefully and I realized that I had if ($ _REQUEST ['# id-delete']! == $ _REQUEST ['# id-delete2']) in my backend but it should be if ($ _REQUEST ['id-delete']! == $ _REQUEST ['id-delete2']) since I can not require the "# id-delete" since I never send a value with that name, but send it as 'id-delete', as you can see in my form 'id-delete': $ ('# id-delete'). val ( ) .trim (), now I no longer have the error (although it still does not delete the table) but the objective of the theme was fulfilled.
EDIT2: Already deleted The following form was not correct
$sql = "DELETE * FROM Usuario WHERE id = '". $id_delete . "'";
Instead, use this, and it worked.
$sql = "DELETE FROM Usuario WHERE id = '". $id_delete . "'";