Something that happens to me very often is to need to format a string for it I end up concatenating several chains manually, my question is if there is any implementation of printf in javascript
for those who do not know that printf
printf("Color %s, numero1 %d, numero2 %05d, hex %x, real %5.2f.\n", "rojo", 12345, 89, 255, 3.14);
would return:
Color rojo, numero1 12345, numero2 00089, hex ff, real 3.14.
At the moment commented that I found a solution similar but not exact to the problem.
String.prototype.format = function() {
var formatted = this;
for( var idx in arguments) {
formatted = formatted.replace(new RegExp("\{" + idx + "\}", 'g'), arguments[idx]);
return formatted;
Example of use:
"hola usuario de {1}, hoy es {0}".format('viernes', 'Stack Overflow ES')