I'm trying to do some things with DOM and I have a problem that, a priori, I find no solution.
Given an HTML code, I would like to obtain the type of element (div, button, table ...) and its position.
Obtaining the type of element with the target is easy, its position not so much.
I give an example:
If I click on this list "Coffe", with the target I get "LI" which is the object of Coffe, even there perfect, but how can I work with that LI object in particular? I mean, how can I, for example, modify its content?
Because to modify its content I have several options:
- document.getElementsByTagName ("tag") [position]: And of course I do not have the position.
- document.getElementById ("id"). innerHTML: I'm working with html without id's.
Any ideas? Should I necessarily put id's? I think it's late.
Thank you very much again.
if (e.srcElement){
tag = e.srcElement.tagName;
}else{ (e.target)
tag = e.target.type;
console.log("El elemento selecionado ha sido " + tag);
<ul> <!-- Primer ul -->
<ul> <!-- Segundo ul -->
<ul> <!-- Tercer ul -->