I'm working with a database with a huge amount of tables and views. The program that calls that database peta and gives me an error when it tries to call a certain table. Is there any option to look up that table? Search engine or something?
I'm working with a database with a huge amount of tables and views. The program that calls that database peta and gives me an error when it tries to call a certain table. Is there any option to look up that table? Search engine or something?
It is possible that your error has some relation with the scheme of the table and the permissions that the user with whom you are trying to use the object has.
The default scheme is .dbo, see if the table is that way and if the user has permissions on that object.
Additionally, you can search for a table with any of the following instructions:
select *
select *
from sys.tables
select *
from sysobjects
where xtype = 'U'
For the tables:
select * from sysobjects
If you want to search columns
select * from syscolumns
And you can also do a join
between the two.
If you want to see the structure select the table and give it Alt + F1 , in case it does not exist it will send you a message.