Force change of text color using TweenMax


I have some hyperlinks with the CSS color with the property !important , because I need to change its color by default, which gives them another style sheet that I can not / should modify.

.elementos {
  color: #fff !important;

And I have an animation with TweenMax that modifies the container of .elementos . To that animation I need to add a property to change the color of the hyperlinks.

var contenedorAnimacion = tl
    .to(cabecera, 1, {backgroundColor: '#fff'})
    .to(caja, 1, {height: 0, autoAlpha: 0});

I need to add the color change. I already tried with:

var contenedorAnimacion = tl
    .to(cabecera, 1, {backgroundColor: '#fff'})
    .to(elementos, 1, {color: '#999'})
    .to(caja, 1, {height: 0, autoAlpha: 0});

But this does not work for me. Is there a way to force the change or have the property !important of CSS ignored?

asked by akko 12.01.2018 в 18:58

1 answer


Have you tried adding the important in the animation by js?

var contenedorAnimacion = tl
    .to(cabecera, 1, {backgroundColor: '#fff !important'})
    .to(elementos, 1, {color: '#999 !important'})
    .to(caja, 1, {height: 0, autoAlpha: 0});

Although good, the truth although the above or not solve your problem, is not the best advice, the best I can recommend is not to use ! important precisely in this case. Since it is a quick solution, it works most cases where there is no time or a better solution, which in your case if there is, in fact to overwrite in CSS a stylesheet that cascades down or already assigned, it is best to use the inheritance, like this:

If you want to overwrite for example, you can use an ancestor :

.ancestro .elementos{
  background: #fff

Or an selector even more specific with more ancestors :

.tatarancestro .bizcancestro .ancestro .elementos{
  background: #fff

Or nothing prevents using tags or ids

html body #main .ancestro .elementos{
  background: #fff

These will have more "force" to overwrite the stylesheet by defects, unless you use ! important erroneously, as you did.

In this way, you can modify them by javascript, since js uses online styles to apply css or animations and these by hierarchy have greater "force" to overwrite.

The other thing is that you control where to put your stylesheet, that is, if there are styles of the same type or selector, but they are below, the latter will have greater "strength", "hierarchy" or "priority". The same applies to external file links, so if you can control which goes first or later, you can choose to put yours later, like this:

<link href="estilos-por-defecto.css" />
<link href="mis-propios-estilos.css" />

I hope you serve, greetings.

answered by 12.01.2018 в 19:21