I have an api that returns data in which I fill in the detatables, in these precise moments I have problems with pulling a data that brings me a picture of a model.
Then I leave the api:
for anuncio in anuncios:
data = {}
data['id'] = anuncio['id'],
data['manifestado'] = anuncio['numero_de_manifiesto'],
data['nave'] = anuncio['nave__nombre'],
data['tipo_nave'] = anuncio['tipo_nave__descripcion'],
data['nombre_linea'] = anuncio['linea_naviera__nombre'],
data['nro_viaje'] = anuncio['nro_viaje'],
data['agente_maritimo'] = anuncio['agente_maritimo__nombre'],
data['eslora'] = anuncio['nave__eslora'],
data['eta'] = anuncio['eta'],
data['etb'] = anuncio['etb'],
data['etc'] = anuncio['etc'],
data['etd'] = anuncio['etd'],
data['carga'] = anuncio['carga'].upper()
data['proyecto_articulo'] = anuncio['proyecto_articulo__nombre']
# data['amarradero'] = anuncio['amarradero__nombre']
data['reporte_servicio_url'] = reverse('reporte_servicio', kwargs={"pk": anuncio['id']})
data['atraque_url'] = reverse('acta_maniobra_imprimir', kwargs={"pk": atra[anuncio['id']]}) if anuncio['id'] in atra else None
data['desatraque_url'] = reverse('acta_maniobra_imprimir', kwargs={"pk": desa[anuncio['id']]}) if anuncio['id'] in desa else None
data['foto'] = anuncio['tipo_nave__foto'],
I also leave the html where I call the data:
columns: [
data: "foto",
{data: "manifestado"},
{data: "nave"},
{data: "tipo_nave"},
{data: "nombre_linea"},
{data: "nro_viaje"},
{data: "agente_maritimo"},
{data: "eslora"},
{data: "eta"},
{data: "etb"},
{data: "etc"},
{data: "etd"},
{data: "carga"},
{data: "proyecto_articulo"},
"targets": -1,
"data": null,
"defaultContent": "<i class=\"fa fa-eye\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>",
"className": 'anuncio'
"targets": -1,
"data": null,
"defaultContent": "<i class=\"fa fa-eye\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>",
"className": 'atraque'
"targets": -1,
"data": null,
"defaultContent": "<i class=\"fa fa-eye\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>",
"className": 'desatraque'
The problem is that it brings me the url and I was trying with the render and defaultContent, but I do not know how to do it.
Your contribution would be very helpful, I leave a photo of the result.
Thanks in advance.