What you have to do is a query with query builder as follows:
$records = DB::table('semestre')
->join('seccion', 'seccion.semestre_id', '=', 'semestre.id')
This will bring you all the semester records and you can access the property nombresección
Another way to do this is through the Eloquent relationships , in your semester model you can create the next relationship:
If it's 1 to many, it's:
function secciones()
return $this->hasMany('Ruta de tu modelo de section', 'semestre_id');
If it's a 1 to 1 ratio:
function seccion()
return $this->hasOne('Ruta de tu modelo de sección', 'semestre_id');
With this previous function, what you do is that you consult a semester record and you can directly access your relationship in the following way, taking the 1 to 1 relationship as an example:
$semestre = Semestre::find('ID del semestre');
$nombre_seccion = $semestre->seccion->nombreseccion;
I hope it's your help