I am trying to adjust a curve of accumulation of nutrients and dry matter of corn in R. I know that the curve that it describes is sigmoidal and that the accumulation of dry matter or nutrients depends on time. My first question is how I adjust and graph this in R and then, having several curves of different treatments, how I compare the curves between them. I pass something of what I wrote in R and some data in a link:
dataT1 <- subset(C, Trat == "T1")
dataT3 <- subset(C, Trat == "T3")
dataT7 <- subset(C, Trat == "T7")
plotPoints(MS ~ Dia, data = dataT1)
MST1 <- nls(MS ~ a + ((b - a)/(1 + exp(-c * (Dia - d)))), data = dataT1, start = list(a = min(MS),
b = max(Dia), c = 1, d = round(median(MS))), trace = TRUE)
When I write this, I miss the error Error in typeof(x) : objeto 'MS' no encontrado
Database: link
Thank you very much!