If a result is found How can I block the form?


I am doing the validations for the fields of my form, and one of these, is that if the value written in a field, in this case rut_usu is in the database, it is blocked the form, and self-approach the input again to modify its value. I'm doing it this way, look up the value correctly, and it shows me the right message, but how could I get the form blocked, if a result is found?




//obtenemos el texto introducido en el campo
var parametros = {"rut_usu" : $("#rut_usu").val()};

//hace la búsqueda
    type: "post",
    url: '<?php echo base_url();?>C_Usuarios/consultar_rut',
    data: parametros,
    dataType: "html",
    error: function(){
        alert("error petición ajax");
    },success: function(data){                                                          

          $('#btn_insert').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
            $('#resultado').html('<span style="color:red;">Ya existe un usuario con ese Rut</span>');


               return false; 




           return true;





  <div class="col-md-2">

    <div class="form-group">
      <input type="text" id="rut_usu" name="rut_usu" class="form-control" placeholder="18811942-5" autofocus>
      <div id="resultado"></div>

If there is an equal value in the database, the message of the model is shown inside the result div.


 public function consultar_rut($rut_usu){

  $query = $this->db->query("SELECT rut_usu FROM usuarios WHERE rut_usu='$rut_usu'");
 $usuario = $query->row();

 if(empty($usuario)) {echo false;} //Si existe devolvemos false
 else {echo true; }//Si no existe, true.


One of the people in the community, has helped me, to find part of the answer (uncheck it as accepted because I have not been able to solve an aspect within the question). Within javascript I also have the following to validate that a field is not blank:




  return false; 


   return true;




With this I am doing that if the field #pnombre is out of focus, if it is empty, the form is blocked and auto-focuses, if I add the lines with windows.id_form.id_campo and its attributes, when trying to validate the field #rut_usu does not auto-focus me, and the form fields are not blocked. If I enter a value of #rut_usu that is in the database, and then click on another field, which has windows validation, id_form etc. it auto-focus in that field even if the message is displayed, however if I click outside the form and not in another field, if it focuses #rut_usu. Example:

asked by CristianOx21 13.11.2017 в 14:49

2 answers


Everything has to be modified a bit, especially Ajax, since you do not have the concept well:




    //obtenemos el texto introducido en el campo
    var parametros = {"rut_usu" : $("#rut_usu").val()};

    //hace la búsqueda
        type: "post",
        url: '<?php echo base_url();?>C_Usuarios/consultar_rut',
        data: parametros,
        dataType: "html",
        error: function(){
            alert("error petición ajax");
        },success: function(data){                                                          
                $('#formButtonSubbmit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
                $('#resultado').html('<span style="font-weight:bold;color:red;">Ya existe un usuario con ese Rut</span>');

What has been done is, send the data through Ajax and wait for a response. If the answer is TRUE, it means that it already exists in the DB. If it is false, it does not exist and we can continue. Keep in mind that you have to edit the ID of the "formButtonSubbmit" button for yours to use. What it does is put the button off.



public function consultar_rut($rut_usu){
    $query = $this->db->query("SELECT rut_usu FROM usuarios WHERE rut_usu='$rut_usu'");
    $usuario = $query->row();

    if(empty($usuario)) echo false; //Si no existe devolvemos false
    else echo true; //Si existe, true.

What has been modified is the response, to return true or false. The error message itself, we will write from the JS.

You probably need to make a couple of adjustments to fit exactly how you want it to be and how you see the rest of the form that you do not show us, but the basics will work with this.


answered by 13.11.2017 в 16:20

One way would be to add the disable attribute in this way. $("#formulario :input").attr("disabled", true);

In this case it would be like this:

 if ($("#resultado").html(data) > 0) {

     $("#formulario :input").attr("disabled", true);   
     return false;


You have more information about disable here link

I hope it helps you

answered by 13.11.2017 в 16:00