The concept is similar but they are not the same. Javascript objects are like a dictionary or map but have certain limitations. In fact, in the latest versions of the Javascript standard there is a new Map class to solve these limitations. From the MDN page on the class Map :
Objects are similar to Maps in that they both
allow to establish keys to values, recover those values,
delete keys, and detect if there is something stored in a key
determined. Because of this, the Objects have been used historically as
Historically maps; however, there are important differences between
Objects and Maps that make it better to use a Map.
- An Object has a prototype, so there are default keys on the map. However, this can be drawn using map =
Object.create (null).
- The keys of an Object are Strings, while they can be values of any type for a Map.
- The size of a Map can be easily obtained while the size of an Object must be maintained manually.
This Map class if it comes to the same concept as the Python Dict