I want to do something similar to what the lacuerda.net page does, where you have a music and you can turn it up or down tonality.
I have my test page where I want to change the tone of the music.
I've been testing with the function replace
, but it only allows me to change a letter. I tried to put the function in the same jquery but the problem is that there are letters that I change them several times
Is there any way to check or prevent a letter from being changed 2 times in a single event?
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#mas").click(function() {
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ C /g," D ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ D /g," E ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ E /g," F ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ F /g," G ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ G /g," A ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ A /g," B ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ B /g," C# ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ C# /g," D# ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ D# /g," F ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ F# /g," G# ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ G# /g," A# ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ A# /g," C ");
$("#menos").click(function() {
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ Bb /g," Ab ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ C /g," Bb ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ D /g," C ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ E /g," D ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ F /g," Eb ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ G /g," F ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ A /g," G ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ B /g," A ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ Db /g," B ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ Eb /g," Db ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ Gb /g," E ");
$("body *").html(function(buscayreemplaza, reemplaza) {
return reemplaza.replace(/ Ab /g," Gb ");
$("#original").click(function() {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
Al presionar el boton "+1"
Acorde Cambio
C -> D
D -> E
E -> F
F -> G
G -> A
A -> B
B -> C#
C# -> D#
D# -> F
F# -> G#
G# -> A#
A# -> C
Al presionar el boton "-1"
Acorde Cambio
C -> Bb
D -> C
E -> D
F -> Eb
G -> F
A -> G
B -> A
Db -> B
Eb -> Db
Gb -> E
Ab -> Gb
Bb -> Ab
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=0">
<script src="jquery-3.2.0.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Los estilos se proyectarán a nuestra aplicacion -->
<input type="button" value="-1" id = "menos" >
<input type="button" value="+1" id = "mas" >
<input type="button" value="Original" id = "original" >
<b>1 - TE LOAMOS, OH DIOS </b>
<b> G </b>
1Te loamos, oh Dios, con unánime voz
<b> D </b>
Porque en Cristo, tu Hijo, nos diste perdón.
<b> CORO </b>
<b> G D </b>
Aleluya Te alabamos, cuán grande es tu amor
<b>G C G </b>
Aleluya Te adoramos, bendito Señor.
<!-- Saúl Hernández -->
<!-- YouTube: saul hernandez piano -->
This is what I have, when giving less works perfectly, but then everything is lost.