How can I export 2 HTML tables to Excel


I have two tables made in HTML but I need to export both in the same excel sheet.

I found this code that if I put the two tables on the same page but I do not take into account the footer of the two tables and I do not take 2 columns of the second table, where I should modify to insert the footer as see in the image:

JS Code

                           var tablesToExcel = (function () {
               var uri = 'data:application/;base64,'
               , template = '<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns=""><head><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml><x:ExcelWorkbook><x:ExcelWorksheets>'
               , templateend = '</x:ExcelWorksheets></x:ExcelWorkbook></xml><![endif]--></head>'
               , body = '<body>'
               , tablevar = '<table>{table'
               , tablevarend = '}</table>'
               , bodyend = '</body></html>'
               , worksheet = '<x:ExcelWorksheet><x:Name>'
               , worksheetend = '</x:Name><x:WorksheetOptions><x:DisplayGridlines/></x:WorksheetOptions></x:ExcelWorksheet>'
               , worksheetvar = '{worksheet'
               , worksheetvarend = '}'
               , base64 = function (s) { return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(s))) }
               , format = function (s, c) { return s.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, function (m, p) { return c[p]; }) }
               , wstemplate = ''
               , tabletemplate = '';               

               return function (table, name, filename) {
                   var tables = table;               

                   for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; ++i) {
                       wstemplate += worksheet + worksheetvar + i + worksheetvarend + worksheetend;
                       tabletemplate += tablevar + i + tablevarend;

                   var allTemplate = template + wstemplate + templateend;
                   var allWorksheet = body + tabletemplate + bodyend;
                   var allOfIt = allTemplate + allWorksheet;               

                   var ctx = {};
                   for (var j = 0; j < tables.length; ++j) {
                       ctx['worksheet' + j] = name[j];

                   for (var k = 0; k < tables.length; ++k) {
                       var exceltable;
                       if (!tables[k].nodeType) exceltable = document.getElementById(tables[k]);
                       ctx['table' + k] = exceltable.innerHTML;

                   //document.getElementById("dlink").href = uri + base64(format(template, ctx));
                   //document.getElementById("dlink").download = filename;

                   window.location.href = uri + base64(format(allOfIt, ctx));               



                    <tr class="header-table">
                           <th>Actividades  </th>
                           <th>Duración en horas</th>
                           <th>Tipo de recurso</th>
                           <th>% asignado</th>
                           <th>Duración en semanas</th>
                           <th>Costo por hora</th>                                     
                           <th>Costo de resursos</th>
                           <th>Índice de riesgo</th>
                           <th>Bono de eficiencia</th>
                           <th>Costo total</th>
                           <th>Comisión de venta</th>
                           <th>Precio de venta</th>
                           <th>Precio promedio por hora</th>                
                               <tbody >                   
                                   <c:forEach var="detalle" items="${model.detalles}">  
                                       <tr >
                                           <td class="costoRecurso">${detalle.costoRecursos}</td>
                                           <td class="indiceRiesgo">${detalle.indiceRiesgo}</td>
                                           <td class="bonoEficiencia">${detalle.bonoDeEficiencia}</td>
                                           <td class="costoTotal">$${detalle.costoTotal}</td>
                                           <td class="margen">${detalle.margen}</td>
                                           <td class="precio">${detalle.precio}</td>
                                           <td class="comisionVenta">${detalle.comisionVentas}</td>
                                           <td class="precioVenta">${detalle.precioVenta}</td>
                                           <td class="precioPromedioVenta">${detalle.precioPromedioHora}</td>  

                       <tr class="footer-table ">
                          <td  style="padding:0px;"> TOTAL </td>
                          <td  style="padding:0px;" class="totalDuracionHoras form-total" type="text">${model.proyecto.totalDuracionHoras }
                          <td  style="padding:0px;"> </td>
                          <td  style="padding:0px;"> </td>
                          <td  style="padding:0px;"> TOTAL </td>
                          <td  style="padding:0px;"> </td>
                          <td  style="padding:0px;" class="totalCostoRecurso form-total" type="text">${model.proyecto.totalCostoRecursos}
                          <td  style="padding:0px;" class="totalIndiceRiesgo form-total" type="text">${model.proyecto.totalIndiceRiesgo }
                          <td  style="padding:0px;" class="totalBonoEficiencia form-total" type="text">${model.proyecto.totalBonoEficiencia }
                          <td  style="padding:0px;" class="totalCostoTotal form-total" type="text">${model.proyecto.totalCostoTotal}
                          <td  style="padding:0px;" class="totalMargen form-total" type="text">${model.proyecto.totalMargen}
                          <td  style="padding:0px;" class="totalPrecio form-total" type="text"> ${model.proyecto.totalPrecio}
                          <td  style="padding:0px;" class="totalComisionVenta form-total" type="text">${model.proyecto.totalComisionVenta}
                         <td  style="padding:0px; color: red;" readonly="true"  class="totalPrecioVenta form-total" type="text"> ${model.proyecto.totalPrecioVenta}
                         <td   style="padding:0px; color: red;" readonly="true"  class="totalPrecioPromedio form-total" type="text">${model.proyecto.totalPrecioPromedio}


           <!--   ========================================================== -->
               <div style="width:50%;" class="row">
               <table id="extras" class="table table-bordered table" >
                       <tr class="header-table">
                           <th>Descripción  </th>
                   <td>Soporte y mantenimiento de aplicación</td>
                           <form:input style="background:white;" readonly="true"   class=" montoMensualMantenimiento form-control input-table" path="montoMensualMantenimiento" type="text"/>               

                           <form:input style="background:white;" readonly="true" class=" montoAnualMantenimiento form-control input-table" path="montoAnualMantenimiento" type="text"/>

                   <td>Costos de infraestructura mensual</td>
                           <form:input style="background:white;" readonly="true"  class=" montoMensualInfraestructura form-control input-table" path="montoMensualInfraestructura" type="text"/>

                           <form:input style="background:white;" readonly="true"   class=" montoAnualInfraestructura form-control input-table" path="montoAnualInfraestructura" type="text"/>

                   <td>Precio total del proyecto</td>
                   <form:input style="background:white;" readonly="true" id="montoProyecto"  class=" montoProyecto form-control input-table" path="montoProyecto" type="text"/>
                       <tr class="footer-table form-total">
                          <td  style="padding:0px;"> TOTAL </td>
                         <td  style="padding:0px;">
                            <form:input readonly="true"  class="totalProyectoMensual form-control input-table" path="totalProyectoMensual" type="text"/>
                         <td  style="padding:0px;" readonly="true" id="totalProyectoAnual" class="totalProyectoAnual form-control input-table">
                            <form:input readonly="true" class="totalProyectoAnual form-control input-table" path="totalProyectoAnual" type="text"/>
                  <div class="pull-right">
              <a class="btn btn-info"  href="ListarProyecto" >Volver</a>
                  <a id="dlink"  style="display:block;"></a>
               <input type="button" onclick="tablesToExcel(['table', 'extras'], ['first', 'second'], 'myfile.xls')" value="Export to Excel">
asked by Jose Diaz 28.03.2017 в 22:30

1 answer


To be able to export tables created in HTML to excel there is a plugin called Datatables that basically adds very interesting functions to your table.

Then, you have a specific plugin that is responsible for exporting tables to Excel: link

Then, to export the two, you can play a bit with the api to simulate that the button with which you export calls the 2 tables that you have so that you export everything on the same excel sheet. Here is an example:


answered by 07.04.2017 в 08:56