I have my code:
var tr = '<tr class="tr_new">';
tr +='<td><input type="text" name="txt_comi_cond1[]" class="moneda" size="10"></td>';
tr +='<td><input type="text" name="txt_comi_cond2[]" class="moneda" size="10"></td>';
tr +='<td><input type="text" name="txt_comi_porcen[]" class="porcentaje" size="10"></td>';
tr +='<td><a href="#add" class="btn_del">-</a></td>';
tr +='</tr>';
When adding with append (), the currency class does not work, that this code:
$('.moneda').autoNumeric({aSep: ',',aDec: '.',vMin: '0',vMax: '9999999.99'});
But if I execute this $ ('. coin'). autoNumeric () after making the append (), the previous input is altered, if I enter a number it duplicates it, some idea of how to add new input and apply this class?