I am working with ranges of dates, for a holiday period, in the end it turns out that I never take into account Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.
01-02-2017 & 09-02-2017 which is equal to 8 days of holidays in this case, but 4 and 5 of February falls on Saturday and Sunday then on that range discount two days that would give an equal to 6 days hablies plus 10 and 13 of February Friday and Monday respectively to comply with 8 days equivalent to the days before mentioned.
The question is whether in datepicker I can generate an arrangement with certain dates on weekends or holidays. my date difference script is as follows.
var f1= new Date($('#f1').val());
var f2= new Date($('#f2').val());
var fechaResta = f2- f1;
var dias = ((((fechaResta / 1000) / 60) / 60) / 24);
$('#dias').val(!isNaN(dias) ? dias : '');
Maybe someone knows a script that can help me with this problem