in a label I want to put the dates that bring me what I received php ... the problem is that it only shows me a date and does not cover all the dates in label ..
type: 'POST',
url: 'api/graficos_ventas.php',
data: {'fechainicio' : fechinicio, 'fechafinal' : fechfinal},
success: function(data){
var valores = JSON.parse(data);
var Datos = {
labels : [for (var i = valores.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
datasets : [
fillColor : 'rgba(91,228,146,0.6)', //COLOR DE LAS BARRAS
strokeColor : 'rgba(57,194,112,0.7)', //COLOR DEL BORDE DE LAS BARRAS
highlightFill : 'rgba(73,206,180,0.6)', //COLOR "HOVER" DE LAS BARRAS
highlightStroke : 'rgba(66,196,157,0.7)', //COLOR "HOVER" DEL BORDE DE LAS BARRAS
data : [valores]
var contexto = document.getElementById('grafico').getContext('2d');
window.Barra = new Chart(contexto).Bar(Datos, { responsive : true });
return false;
I tried to do a for inside the label to show me all the dates but it did not work, I would appreciate the interest of how I can solve that detail.