ng-repeat to duplicate tds



Hello, I'm trying to build a table, but specifically I have a problem with a row, in which I need this piece:

<td ><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-book' tile='Permiso de Lectura'>primero</i></td>
<td ><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-pencil' tile='Permiso de Escritura'>segundo</i></td> 
<td ><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-trash' tile='Permiso de Eliminación'>tercero</i></td>

I need this to be generated dynamically, in my case with this ng-repeat="usu in aTipoUsuarios" would be generated 2 times just what I need.

<table border='1'>
    <th rowspan="3">Tipo de Contenido</th>
    <th colspan="{{aTipoUsuarios.length * 3}}">
      Tipo de Usuarios
   <td ng-repeat="usu in aTipoUsuarios" colspan="3">

<!--Aqui necesito usar el ng-repeat ng-repeat="usu in aTipoUsuarios" 
para que se muestre esto en mi caso 2 veces-->

    <td ><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-book' tile='Permiso de Lectura'>primero</i></td>
    <td ><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-pencil' tile='Permiso de Escritura'>segundo</i></td>
    <td ><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-trash' tile='Permiso de Eliminación'>tercero</i></td>
  <tr ng-repeat="rol in aRoles">
   <td >1</td>
   <td >1</td>
   <td >1</td>
   <td >1</td>
   <td >1</td>
   <td >1</td>

I have tried everything but I can not manage to duplicate that piece by means of a ng-repeat

asked by yavg 13.02.2017 в 02:06

1 answer


Instead of 3 TDs with the words hard-coded, you can put one with the same information but generated dynamically.

This dynamic list would have a base of 3 elements (first, second and third, with the respective information of classes and titles). This list, you repeat it as many times as elements have a UserType. So, for example, if you have 2 types of users, you would have a list with 6 elements and, consequently, 6 TDs.

I pass the code example:


<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
  <table border='1'>
      <th rowspan="3">Tipo de Contenido</th>
      <th colspan="{{aTipoUsuarios.length * 3}}">
        Tipo de Usuarios
      <td ng-repeat="usu in aTipoUsuarios" colspan="3">
      <td ng-repeat="columna in aColumnas"><i class='glyphicon {{columna.clasesCss}}' tile='{{columna.title}}'>{{columna.titulo}}</i></td>
      <tr ng-repeat="rol in aRoles">



var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);

//myApp.directive('myDirective', function() {});
//myApp.factory('myService', function() {});

function MyCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.aRoles = [{
    "tipo_contenido": "articulos",
    "tipo_usuario": {
      "administrador": {
        "escritura": true,
        "lectura": true,
        "eliminacion": true
      "reportante": {
        "escritura": true,
        "lectura": true,
        "eliminacion": true
  }, {
    "tipo_contenido": "informacion",
    "tipo_usuario": {
      "administrador": {
        "escritura": true,
        "lectura": true,
        "eliminacion": true
      "reportante": {
        "escritura": true,
        "lectura": true,
        "eliminacion": true
  }, ]
  $scope.aTipoUsuarios = Object.keys($scope.aRoles[0].tipo_usuario);

  $scope.aColumnas = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < $scope.aTipoUsuarios.length; i++) {
      titulo: "primero",
      clasesCss: "glyphicon-book",
      title: "Permiso de Lectura"
      titulo: "segundo",
      clasesCss: "glyphicon-pencil",
      title: "Permiso de Escritura"
      titulo: "tercero",
      clasesCss: "glyphicon-trash",
      title: "Permiso de Eliminación"


I also updated the fiddle: link

answered by 13.02.2017 в 02:27