I am using bx-slider
to make my image presentations. My problem arises when I want to name all the images that make up the Slider
to go directly to them in Slider
and I do not know how it is done. Attached photo
<div class="galeria_video">
<ul class="slide">
<?php if(!empty($videos)):?>
<?php $count = 0;?>
<?php foreach($videos as $video):?>
<?php $count ++;?>
<li class="<?php if($count == 1){echo 'video_full_galeria';}elseif($count == 2 or $count ==3){echo 'video_dos_columnas_galeria';}else{echo 'video_pequeno_galeria';} ?>">
<a class="iframe link_<?php echo $count;?>" href="#video_<?php echo $count;?>" title="">
<!-- Boton play con before -->
<span class="player-playpause"></span>
<div class="contenedor_galeria_video_imagen relative">
<img src="<?php echo $video['image']['url']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $video['image']['title']; ?> - <?php echo $video['image']['alt']; ?>" />
<!-- Enlace del video iframe -->
<div style="display:none;">
<div class="code_<?php echo $count;?>">
<?php echo $video['code'];?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var url = $('.code_<?php echo $count;?> iframe').attr('src');
$('a.link_<?php echo $count;?>').attr('href', url);
<?php endforeach;?>
<?php endif; ?>
mode: 'fade',
prevText: '<span class="boton_prev">Anterior</span>',
nextText: '<span class="boton_next">Siguiente</span>'
mode: 'fade',
prevText: '<span class="boton_prev">Anterior</span>',
nextText: '<span class="boton_next">Siguiente</span>'