I work in NodeJS , an acquaintance recommended me to do a watchdog (supervision) in which when a command is modified, it would be automatically reloaded (after being saved ). In the documentation of NodeJS I found the following:
However, I do not know what processes this does, that is, its persistence, if it checks if the files have been modified after periods of time, or only when the file has been modified instead of cycling.
Neither do I know if it would be the most efficient, I am open to suggestions.
Currently, I have the following code to load all the commands that are inside the / cmd / directory.
fs.readdir('./cmd/', (err, files) => {
if(err) console.error(err);
'Loading a total of ' + loggreen(files.length) + ' commands.'
const launch = new Date().getTime();
files.forEach(f=> {
let props = require('./cmd/${f}');
var date = new Date().getTime();
'${loggreen(date - launch)}ms ' +
loggray('Loading Command: ${props.help.name} ') +
loggreen(' Status OK')
bot.commands.set(props.help.name, props);
props.conf.aliases.forEach(alias => {
bot.aliases.set(alias, props.help.name);
Likewise, I have the following to reload a command, which I use reload {comando}
let command;
if (bot.commands.has(params[0])) {
command = params[0];
} else if (bot.aliases.has(params[0])) {
command = bot.aliases.get(params[0]);
if (!command) {
return msg.channel.sendMessage('I cannot find the command: ${params[0]}');
} else {
msg.channel.sendMessage('Reloading: ${command}')
.then(m => {
.then(() => {
m.edit('Successfully reloaded: ${command}');
.catch(e => {
m.edit('Command reload failed: ${command}\n\'\'\'${e.stack}\'\'\'');
An acquaintance has advised me to use fs.watch
, and my question was if fs.watch
reviewed the changes periodically (revises them in a time interval), or revises the changes when a file has been modified (like a event).
What I want to do is, when a file has been modified, that a command similar to the one I have in reload {comando}
is executed, that is, I modify a file, I save it, and the program automatically reloads it, without any need to use the reload command.
Is fs.watch
the most efficient for this task? And if so, how should I use it?