HTML - Custom font and style not working properly


Hi, I have a web-art gallery with several parts. In all of them I have defined a header that uses a customized font, however in some it shows well and in others it does not. To check this is my website:

link is the main page, it looks correct. The contact page also looks good. link and the comparator page change the style of the lyrics, making it look awful. Any idea what it could be?

asked by Luis Pessini Pinilla 13.11.2016 в 21:28

2 answers


I have already found the problem. It was an order of tags. Apparently:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />

The order of the two tags totally changes the style of the web.

answered by 14.11.2016 / 00:10

I have reviewed the page, and I found 13 errores in your document HTML


line 18 column 169 - Error: Bad value " link "for attribute" href "on element" link ": Illegal character in query:" | "is not allowed.

With this error, you are already saying that you will not load your sources correctly, you have added the | character to your link URL of Google apis, which is not allowed.

You can install the Complemento of firefoxs HTML Validator , to revise your HTML document so that it is valid in W3C something important for SEO.


In the page index.php you also have a lot of errors in your HTML, I advise you to first look at how to use the HTML tags, I leave you the page of W3C where explain how to use each HTML tag.

HTML5 Tutorial

answered by 13.11.2016 в 21:45