Can JavaScript get the size of the image? that is, if it is in a web element image
with width
and height
you get what it takes to screen, but I'm interested to know what is its actual size.
Can JavaScript get the size of the image? that is, if it is in a web element image
with width
and height
you get what it takes to screen, but I'm interested to know what is its actual size.
foto=new Image();
That's the same thing for you
Since HTML5 you have available the naturalWidth and naturalHeight attributes: Source
<img src="" width="300" height="300">
var img = document.querySelector('img');
var altoDefinido = img.height; // 300
var altoOriginal = img.naturalHeight; // 600
var anchoDefinido = img.width; // 300
var anchoOriginal = img.naturalWidth; // 600