I have the following code, it works fine but if it contains in some line the following character !
ends up deleting all the information or leaving it wrong
Example of input of the Csv file.
Column 1 Column2 Column3
Hello 0001 abc
hello 0002 fge
heLLo 0001 abc
hello! 0003 geg
What I should do.
Column 1 Column2 Column3
Hello 0001 abc
hello 0002 fge
hello! 0003 geg
What my code does.
Column 1
The Code
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set src=Clean\File.csv
set line=
(for /F "delims=" %%L in ('sort %src%') do (
if not ~!line!~ == ~%%L~ echo %%L
set line=%%L
)) > "%Final.csv