I need to create a batch to restart a service, it must include administrator credentials, something like this:
net stop miservicio [user][password]
net start miservicio [user][password]
set /p DUMMY = Presione enter para finalizar......
I'm creating a .exe to run a .jar, it works, the only problem is that it shows a pop-up window ( CMD ) for a few milliseconds, is there any way to make this not happen?
Here is my code to run the .bat :
using System;
I already set apache so that PHP can execute .bat files, I have to move files from another server to my computer to do operations with it, when I execute the batch manually if I do the function, but at run it from php...
I have a list of .rar files in a network unit which are generated automatically one per day.
What I'm trying to do is generate a .bat that goes to that network unit and copy the most recent file according to the date of modific...
In class we are doing an exercise of making a calculator in batch . I wanted to make my own and simple, instead of taking one out there. In theory it should work, but the only thing it does when I enter the data is put:
"echo is disa...
Hi, I'm trying to do a simple thing, so I need to ping my router infinitely because I often lose the connection with my router and that way it goes a little better.
I do not know much about bat but what I need is to put this command in a bat:...
That said, I wanted to go through a file.txt line by line and dump to another file each one of those lines taking away the first 9 characters and the last 2.
I have the following in a .bat but it does not work, do you see the error?
@echo o...
Hi, I'm trying to list a directory with its contents in batch code and save it in a txt with the name of the date.txt, what I need is something like a gene tree
I've tried with:
dir /s /b > Listar.txt dir /s > Listar.txt
Friends, I have the following script, which I developed as a simple exercise, but I do not work correctly with the logical operators < and > that I understand in Batch are LSS and GTR .
Here my code:
@echo o...
I have the following script that works if I run it from the same directory:
@echo off
for %%i in (*.csv) do (set fname=%%~ni) & call :renameFile
goto :eof
ren "%fname%.csv" "%fname:~13,16%.csv"
goto :eof
What I intend is to...