My problem is that in my program I load a date for a record through a datepicker, that date I keep in the database, all as Date type. Then when I call the list of the records stored in the database and show it on a table view the date is modified and I have exactly 1 day left of all the loaded dates ... The truth is that I can not think of if it can be a problem in some library or the mySQL driver, I need help. My database manager is phpMyAdmin, I'm using JavaFx in Netbeans 8.2.
Here I put my classes:
Trip Class (which is the type that is stored in the BD.
public class Viaje {
private IntegerProperty idViaje;
private Date fecha;
private StringProperty origen;
private StringProperty destino;
private StringProperty tipoNota;
private StringProperty nota;
private IntegerProperty cantidadKm;
private IntegerProperty dniChofer;
private StringProperty idAuto;
private StringProperty horaSalida;
private StringProperty horaRegreso;
private FloatProperty importe;
public Viaje() {
this.idViaje = new SimpleIntegerProperty();
this.fecha = fecha;
this.origen = new SimpleStringProperty("");
this.destino = new SimpleStringProperty("");
this.tipoNota = new SimpleStringProperty("");
this.nota = new SimpleStringProperty("");
this.cantidadKm = new SimpleIntegerProperty();
this.dniChofer = new SimpleIntegerProperty();
this.idAuto = new SimpleStringProperty("");
this.horaSalida = new SimpleStringProperty("");
this.horaRegreso = new SimpleStringProperty();
this.importe = new SimpleFloatProperty();
public Viaje(Integer idViaje,Date fecha,String origen,String destino, String tipoNota,String nota,Integer cantidadKm,Integer dniChofer,String idAuto,String horaSalida,String horaRegreso, Float importe){
this.idViaje = new SimpleIntegerProperty(idViaje);
this.fecha = fecha;
this.origen = new SimpleStringProperty(origen);
this.destino = new SimpleStringProperty(destino);
this.tipoNota = new SimpleStringProperty(tipoNota);
this.nota = new SimpleStringProperty(nota);
this.cantidadKm = new SimpleIntegerProperty(cantidadKm);
this.dniChofer = new SimpleIntegerProperty(dniChofer);
this.idAuto = new SimpleStringProperty(idAuto);
this.horaSalida = new SimpleStringProperty(horaSalida);
this.horaRegreso = new SimpleStringProperty(horaRegreso);
this.importe = new SimpleFloatProperty(importe);
public int getIdViaje() {
return idViaje.get();
public void setIdViaje(int idViaje) {
public IntegerProperty idViajeProperty() {
return idViaje;
public Date getFecha() {
return fecha;
public void setFecha(Date fecha) {
this.fecha = fecha;
public String getOrigen() {
return origen.get();
public void setOrigen(String origen) {
public StringProperty origenProperty() {
return origen;
public String getDestino() {
return destino.get();
public void setDestino(String destino) {
public StringProperty destinoProperty() {
return destino;
public String getTipoNota() {
return tipoNota.get();
public void setTipoNota(String tipoNota) {
public StringProperty tipoNotaProperty() {
return tipoNota;
public String getNota() {
return nota.get();
public void setNota(String nota) {
public StringProperty notaProperty() {
return nota;
public int getCantidadKm() {
return cantidadKm.get();
public void setCantidadKm(int cantidadKm) {
public IntegerProperty cantidadKmProperty() {
return cantidadKm;
public int getDniChofer() {
return dniChofer.get();
public void setDniChofer(int dniChofer) {
public IntegerProperty dniChoferProperty() {
return dniChofer;
public String getIdAuto() {
return idAuto.get();
public void setIdAuto(String idAuto) {
public StringProperty idAutoProperty() {
return idAuto;
public String getHoraSalida() {
return horaSalida.get();
public void setHoraSalida(String horaSalida) {
public StringProperty horaSalidaProperty() {
return horaSalida;
public String getHoraRegreso() {
return horaRegreso.get();
public void setHoraRegreso(String HoraRegreso) {
public StringProperty HoraRegresoProperty() {
return horaRegreso;
public float getImporte() {
return importe.get();
public void setImporte(float Importe) {
public FloatProperty ImporteProperty() {
return importe;
Controller of the Main screen where I register and keep it in the database:
public class PrincipalController extends ControladorBaseDatosA {
public void apretarRegistrarViaje(ActionEvent event) {
ControladorViaje controladorV = new ControladorViaje();
ControladorBaseDatosA id = new ControladorBaseDatosA();
if (siEsInvalidoPrincipal()) {
Viaje v1 = new Viaje();
//Obtengo el metodo de id autoincrementable
//Obtengo la fecha del date picker
//Aca guardo los valores de hora
clickRegistrarViaje = true;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Viaje registrado con exito");
} else {
if (tOrigen.getText().equals("") || tDestino.equals("") || tTipoNota.equals("") || tNota.equals("") || tCantidadKm.equals("") || tIdVehiculo.equals("") || tDniChofer.equals("") || sImporte.equals("")) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Ingrese algun dato");
System.out.println("Ingresa algo vivo!");
Method used to reach the tableview fields:
public void llenarViajes(Connection connection, ObservableList<Viaje> listaViaje) {
try {
Statement ps = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM viaje");
while ( {
listaViaje.add(new Viaje(rs.getInt("idViaje"), rs.getDate("fecha"), rs.getString("origen"),
rs.getString("destino"),rs.getString("tipoNota"), rs.getString("nota"), rs.getInt("cantidadKM"),
rs.getInt("dniChofer"),rs.getString("idAuto"),rs.getString("horaSalida"), rs.getString("horaRegreso"),
} catch (SQLException e) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e, "Error: " + e.getMessage(), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
Class controller of the window where the tableview is located, which is filled with the data stored in the database:
public class AdminViajesController extends ControladorBaseDatosA implements Initializable {
private Button atras;
private TableView<Viaje> lista;
private TableColumn<Viaje, String> idColumna;
private TableColumn<Viaje, Date> fechaColumna;
private TableColumn<Viaje, String> origenColumna;
private TableColumn<Viaje, String> destinoColumna;
private TableColumn<Viaje, String> tipoNotaColumna;
private TableColumn<Viaje, String> notaColumna;
private TableColumn<Viaje, Integer> kmColumna;
private TableColumn<Viaje, Integer> dniChoferColumna;
private TableColumn<Viaje, String> idAutoColumna;
private TableColumn<Viaje, String> hSalidaColumna;
private TableColumn<Viaje, String> hRegresoColumna;
private TableColumn<Viaje, Float> importe;
private ObservableList<Viaje> listaViaje;
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resouces){
listaViaje = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
ControladorBaseDatosA db = new ControladorBaseDatosA();
db.llenarViajes(db.getConexion(), listaViaje);
idColumna.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("idViaje"));
fechaColumna.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("fecha"));
origenColumna.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("origen"));
destinoColumna.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("destino"));
tipoNotaColumna.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("tipoNota"));
notaColumna.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("nota"));
kmColumna.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("cantidadKm"));
dniChoferColumna.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("dniChofer"));
idAutoColumna.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("idAuto"));
hSalidaColumna.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("horaSalida"));
hRegresoColumna.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("horaRegreso"));
importe.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("importe"));
I forgot to mention that at the time of loading the data, the date keeps it correctly in the database, that is, if I enter for example 20-11-2018 it is the date that appears in the database, but that when the tableview is full, I alter the date by subtracting 1 day from all of them.
I'll show you a couple of photos: