SQL - Query max value of a group by three columns


What I'm trying to do is that the query returns me from the value of the numberPurpose column of a data group in the SequentialGarantia column, but depending on the maximum value of > Initial debt .

Desired result:

What I did is:

SELECT numeroSolicitud, secuencialGarantia, max(deudaInicial) FROM #temp_Garantias 
GROUP BY secuencialGarantia

Return the error:

The column '# temp_Garanties.numberRequest' in the selection list is not valid, because it is not contained in an aggregate function or in the GROUP BY clause.

I hope you have understood what I need you to help me, regards.

asked by Gorki Lituma 21.11.2018 в 18:00

4 answers


You can simply use ROW_NUMBER :

    SELECT  *,
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY secuencialGarantia
                              ORDER BY deudaInicial DESC) RN
    FROM #temp_Garantias
answered by 21.11.2018 / 18:54

You do not have to group. To obtain the value of the field numeroSolicitud that corresponds to the highest deudaInicial , what you can do is to imitate the results to 1 row with the clause top 1 and sort by deudaInicial downwards.

The query would be like the following:

select top 1 numeroSolicitud, secuencialGarantia, deudaInicial
  from #temp_Garantias 
 where secuencialGarantia = 42
 order by deudaInicial desc;

I've written this one to show the result:

Garantias as (
select 925866 numeroSolicitud, 5 secuencialGarantia, 19000.0 deudaInicial
union all select 929472, 42, 3000
union all select 924842, 42, 7000
union all select 924988, 42, 29000
union all select 926715, 42, 8000
union all select 923169, 45, 23100
union all select 927939, 47, 50000
select top 1 numeroSolicitud, secuencialGarantia, deudaInicial
  from Garantias
 where secuencialGarantia = 42
 order by deudaInicial desc;

that returns:

numeroSolicitud secuencialGarantia deudaInicial
--------------- ------------------ --------------
924988          42                 29000.0

(1 row affected)

which is the data you are looking for.

answered by 21.11.2018 в 18:30

What indicates the error is that the column numeroSolicitud is not inside the clause GROUP BY or at least contained within an aggregate function (for example the function MAX that you use is an aggregate function).

What you should do is add the name of the column GROUP BY to the clause numeroSolicitud .

It would stay like this:

SELECT numeroSolicitud, secuencialGarantia, max(deudaInicial) FROM #temp_Garantias 
GROUP BY numeroSolicitud, secuencialGarantia

Updating :

For what you put in your edition, you need the maximum debt with the minimum request number, if so, try this query.

SELECT MIN(numeroSolicitud), secuencialGarantia, max(deudaInicial) FROM #temp_Garantias 
GROUP BY secuencialGarantia

I leave you some references:

answered by 21.11.2018 в 18:09

If you have SQL Server 2008 or higher, you could generate a row numerator by ROW_NUMBER() , partitioning it by secuencialGarantia and sorting by deudaInicial descending, which should start this number in 1 just in the cases where the Debt is higher.

    FROM (SELECT    numeroSolicitud, 
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY secuencialGarantia, ORDER BY deudaInicial DESC) AS RN
            FROM #temp_Garantias
    ) T
    WHERE RN = 1

See documentation for SELECT - OVER Clause (Transact-SQL)

answered by 21.11.2018 в 18:53