I have to check that the date that a user enters is correct. It has to have the pattern dd / mm / yyyy.
What I can not do is check that the date is valid (02/30/2008) or (10/33/2018), for example.
validDates() {
let okey: boolean = true;
try {
// Se coge la fecha y se descompone con /
const [d, m, y] = this.filterDateStart.split('/');
// Sino encuentra las / fallará
if (!d || !m || !y) {
throw new Error();
// Sino eran números fallará
if (isNaN(d) || isNaN(m) || isNaN(y)) {
throw new Error();
// Sino cumple la longitud fallará
if (d.length < 2 || m.length < 2 || y.length < 4) {
throw new Error();
// finalmente creo el objeto date con los datos, resto 1 al mes.
// 02 "Febrero" lo cogería como Marzo.
let date: Date = new Date(y, m - 1, d);
} catch (error) {
okey = false;
return okey;
My intention is when a date that is not valid is created, the constructor of the Date class bursts, but it does not burst and it creates February 30 as if it were something ....