how to get the percentage of a quantity in php


I want to take the percentage of two numbers that I store in two variables, the first variable is my delivery counter on time and the second is my delivery counter out of time, the sum is done correctly but I do not know how to get the percentage of that total, I know that it's something very simple, with a rule of three basic arithmetic, but I'm interested in passing it to the code.

$query=mysql_query("SELECT factura, fechafactura, cliente, hrasalida, hraentrega, hrallegada,fechaentrega,horarecibido, chofer, vehiculo, direccion from facturacion where estatus='ENTREGA DOMICILIO' AND fechafactura >= '$fecha1' AND fechafactura <= '$fecha2' order by fechafactura DESC LIMIT 70");
if ($cont>0)

    while ($array=mysql_fetch_array($query))
        $diferencias = strtotime($hrfin) - strtotime($hrini);   

             //HORARIO DE 8:30 A 1:30


            //HORARIO DE 1:30 A 18:00
              $horalimite2=date('H:i:s', strtotime($horali.' +19 hours'.' +30 minutes'));

            $fechalimite=date('Y-m-d', strtotime($f.' +1 days'));

            $S=date("w", strtotime($dia));

            //HORARIO DE SABADO

            $fechalimite2=date('Y-m-d', strtotime($f.' +2 days'));  

            if($hrecfac>=$hora3 and $hrecfac<=$hora4) 
             if($hentrega>strtotime($horalimite2) or strtotime($feent)>strtotime($fechalimite))                              
                 $status="<label class='bg2'>FUERA DE TIEMPO</label>";
                $status="<label class='bg1'>A TIEMPO</label>";
            else if($hrecfac>=$hora1 and $hrecfac<=$hora2) 
               if($hentrega>$horalimite or strtotime($feent)>strtotime($fefac))
                   $status="<label class='bg2'>FUERA DE TIEMPO</label>";
                    $status="<label class='bg1'>A TIEMPO</label>";
             if($hrecfac>=$hora5 and $hrecfac<=$hora6)
                if($hentrega>$horalimite or strtotime($feent)>strtotime($fechalimite2))                              
                 $status="<label class='bg2'>FUERA DE TIEMPO</label>";
                $status="<label class='bg1'>A TIEMPO</label>";

        echo'<tr><td>'.$array[0].'</td><td>'.$array[1].'</td><td>'.$array[2].'</td><td>'.$array[3].'</td><td>'.$array[4].'</td><td>'.$array[5].'</td><td>'.$array[6].'</td><td>'.$array[7].'</td><td>'.$array[8].'</td><td>'.$array[9].'</td><td>'.$array[10].'</td><td>'.$mins.'min'. '</td><td>'.$status.'</td></tr>';

    echo'<tr><td>No hay registros</td></tr>';
echo '<table>';
/***************************************TERMINA FACTURAS*/
asked by jasiel 14.09.2018 в 17:18

1 answer


Once you have finished counting the deliveries, you must get the total of everything:

$total_entr= $contat+$contft;
//total_entr es a 100 (total) como $contat es a X
// total_entr:100 :: $contat:X
//multiplicas los medios y luego divides

//Este es el primer porcentaje
$contat_porcen= (100*$contat)/ $total_entr;
//Teniendo ya este valor puedes obtener facilmente el otro %
$contft_porcen= 100 - $contat_porcen;
answered by 14.09.2018 в 17:25