I have the following code in which a client makes a Http request of type Post with Json, so my question is how can I de-serialize that Json and extract its data. I already have created the classes where are the tributes of that Json file inside the Api. Below is the code of a controller method that receives the Post request.
public IEnumerable<RespuestaJson> Post(Caso json) { return ProcesosService.DeserializacionJson(json); }
This is the fragment referred to in the previous block.
public IEnumerable<RespuestaJson> DeserializacionJson(Caso caso)
Caso deseriCaso = new Caso();
deseriCaso = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Caso>(caso.ToString());
List<Caso> list = new List<Caso>();
IEnumerable<string> en = list;
return list;