I have two checkboxes, if one is selected, he brings me the men and if I select the other he brings me the women, but I want an option where I can select the two and bring me both. I want to do that with other fields.
<div class="container" ng-controller="listadoCtrl">
<h4>Para el ng-repeat</h4>
<div class="row">
<input type="checkbox" name="" ng-model="busqueda.sexo" ng-true-value="'mujer'" ng-false-value="''">
<input type="checkbox" name="" ng-model="busqueda.sexo" ng-true-value="'hombre'" ng-false-value="''">
{{search.woman}} {{search.man}}
<table class="table table-striped">
<th> <a class="puntero" ng-click="columna='nombre'; reverse = !reverse;"> Nombre</a> </th>
<th> <a class="puntero" ng-click="columna='sexo'; reverse = !reverse;"> Sexo</a></th>
<tr ng-repeat="persona in personas | filter:{ sexo:'mujer',sexo:'hombre mujer'} | orderBy:columna:reverse ">
<td> <img ng-src="img/{{ persona.avatar }}" class="avatar img-circle"> </td>
<td> {{ min }} </td>
<td> {{ persona.sexo }}</td>
<td> {{ persona.cantidad }}</td>
<td> {{ persona.celular }}</td>
</div><!-- fin del listadoCtrl -->