How to determine the sublevels of an array? Using a recursive function


I have a table in the database in which I keep all the functions of my menu, it has the following columns:

table: functions / columns: id, father_id, icon, link, title

And I want to order the parents and children as I have registered in the db , this I want to do with a recursive function .

The problem lies in the fact that I do not know what level of subpart I am going, for example, when going through a 3rd submenu. I only go through each one of the items in an orderly manner but I have not yet determined that part (menu levels).

Here's what I have from the function:

var todoMenus;

function GenerarMenus(codigoMenu, esSub) {
    console.log('OPCION P');
  	if(codigoMenu == 0){
    	console.log('OPCIONES PRINCIPALES');
    	console.log('OPCION SUB');

  var menuGenerado = '';
  var menus = [];
  $.each(todoMenus, function (i, v) {
    if (v.id_padre == codigoMenu) {
  if (menus.length != 0) {

  if (menus != undefined) {
    $.each(menus, function (i, v) {
      if(v.id_padre == 0){
      	var esSub = true;
      	var esSub = false;
      var subMenu = GenerarMenus(, esSub);
      if (subMenu.length == 0) {
      } else {
  return menuGenerado;

var menujson = {
  "menu": [
    "id": 1,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-dashboard fa-fw",
    "link": "/",
    "titulo": "Tablero"
    "id": 2,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-tasks fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Procesos"
    "id": 3,
    "id_padre": 2,
    "icono": "fa fa-list-ol fa-fw",
    "link": "/lotes",
    "titulo": "Lotes"
    "id": 4,
    "id_padre": 2,
    "icono": "fa fa-eraser fa-fw",
    "link": "/limpieza",
    "titulo": "Limpieza"
    "id": 5,
    "id_padre": 2,
    "icono": "fa fa-stop fa-fw",
    "link": "/paradasopera",
    "titulo": "Paradas"
    "id": 6,
    "id_padre": 2,
    "icono": "fa fa-wrench fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Mantenimiento"
    "id": 7,
    "id_padre": 6,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/planes",
    "titulo": "Planes"
    "id": 8,
    "id_padre": 6,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/calendario",
    "titulo": "Calendario"
    "id": 9,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-file-text-o fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Reportes"
    "id": 10,
    "id_padre": 9,
    "icono": "fa fa-bar-chart-o fa-fw",
    "link": "/estadisticos",
    "titulo": "Estadisticos"
    "id": 11,
    "id_padre": 9,
    "icono": "fa fa-building-o fa-fw",
    "link": "/estaticos",
    "titulo": "Estaticos"
    "id": 12,
    "id_padre": 9,
    "icono": "fa fa-file fa-fw",
    "link": "/parametrizados",
    "titulo": "Parametrizados"
    "id": 13,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-wrench fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Opciones"
    "id": 22,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-industry fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Marcas de Equipos"
    "id": 23,
    "id_padre": 22,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/marcas",
    "titulo": "Marcas"
    "id": 24,
    "id_padre": 22,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/modelos",
    "titulo": "Modelos"
    "id": 32,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-clock-o fa-fw",
    "link": "/turnos",
    "titulo": "Turnos"
    "id": 14,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-flask fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Productos de Elaboración"
    "id": 25,
    "id_padre": 14,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/productos",
    "titulo": "Productos"
    "id": 26,
    "id_padre": 14,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/unidadesdemedicion",
    "titulo": "Unidades de Medición"
    "id": 15,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-arrows-alt fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Areas y Procesos de Producción"
    "id": 30,
    "id_padre": 15,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/areas",
    "titulo": "Areas"
    "id": 31,
    "id_padre": 15,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/procesos",
    "titulo": "Procesos "
    "id": 16,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-steam fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Registro de Equipos"
    "id": 27,
    "id_padre": 16,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/equipos",
    "titulo": "Equipos"
    "id": 28,
    "id_padre": 16,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/partes",
    "titulo": "Partes"
    "id": 29,
    "id_padre": 16,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/subpartes",
    "titulo": "Subpartes"
    "id": 17,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-user fa-fw",
    "link": "/personas",
    "titulo": "Personas"
    "id": 18,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-gears fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Configuración"
    "id": 19,
    "id_padre": 18,
    "icono": "fa fa-users fa-fw",
    "link": "/usuarios",
    "titulo": "Usuarios"
    "id": 20,
    "id_padre": 18,
    "icono": "fa fa-suitcase fa-fw",
    "link": "/perfiles",
    "titulo": "Perfiles"
    "id": 21,
    "id_padre": 18,
    "icono": "fa fa-database fa-fw",
    "link": "/respaldo",
    "titulo": "Respaldo"

$( document ).ready(function() {
  todoMenus =;
  var menuGenerado = GenerarMenus(0, false);
<script src=""></script>

NOTE: The results are not printed in full in the esso fiddler console, they are displayed full in the browser.

asked by Pablo Contreras 26.04.2017 в 23:01

2 answers


The arrays that samples are flat so you can not determine sub levels , in any case the " id_padre " tells you the < em> sub level .

From the above I must understand that you want to order the arrays in sub levels given by the parent / children relationship, if this is correct Here is an example of how to do it:

var menujson = {
  "menu": [
    "id": 1,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-dashboard fa-fw",
    "link": "/",
    "titulo": "Tablero"
    "id": 2,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-tasks fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Procesos"
    "id": 3,
    "id_padre": 2,
    "icono": "fa fa-list-ol fa-fw",
    "link": "/lotes",
    "titulo": "Lotes"
    "id": 4,
    "id_padre": 2,
    "icono": "fa fa-eraser fa-fw",
    "link": "/limpieza",
    "titulo": "Limpieza"
    "id": 5,
    "id_padre": 2,
    "icono": "fa fa-stop fa-fw",
    "link": "/paradasopera",
    "titulo": "Paradas"
    "id": 6,
    "id_padre": 2,
    "icono": "fa fa-wrench fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Mantenimiento"
    "id": 7,
    "id_padre": 6,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/planes",
    "titulo": "Planes"
    "id": 8,
    "id_padre": 6,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/calendario",
    "titulo": "Calendario"
    "id": 9,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-file-text-o fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Reportes"
    "id": 10,
    "id_padre": 9,
    "icono": "fa fa-bar-chart-o fa-fw",
    "link": "/estadisticos",
    "titulo": "Estadisticos"
    "id": 11,
    "id_padre": 9,
    "icono": "fa fa-building-o fa-fw",
    "link": "/estaticos",
    "titulo": "Estaticos"
    "id": 12,
    "id_padre": 9,
    "icono": "fa fa-file fa-fw",
    "link": "/parametrizados",
    "titulo": "Parametrizados"
    "id": 13,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-wrench fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Opciones"
    "id": 22,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-industry fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Marcas de Equipos"
    "id": 23,
    "id_padre": 22,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/marcas",
    "titulo": "Marcas"
    "id": 24,
    "id_padre": 22,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/modelos",
    "titulo": "Modelos"
    "id": 32,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-clock-o fa-fw",
    "link": "/turnos",
    "titulo": "Turnos"
    "id": 14,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-flask fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Productos de Elaboración"
    "id": 25,
    "id_padre": 14,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/productos",
    "titulo": "Productos"
    "id": 26,
    "id_padre": 14,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/unidadesdemedicion",
    "titulo": "Unidades de Medición"
    "id": 15,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-arrows-alt fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Areas y Procesos de Producción"
    "id": 30,
    "id_padre": 15,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/areas",
    "titulo": "Areas"
    "id": 31,
    "id_padre": 15,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/procesos",
    "titulo": "Procesos "
    "id": 16,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-steam fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Registro de Equipos"
    "id": 27,
    "id_padre": 16,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/equipos",
    "titulo": "Equipos"
    "id": 28,
    "id_padre": 16,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/partes",
    "titulo": "Partes"
    "id": 29,
    "id_padre": 16,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/subpartes",
    "titulo": "Subpartes"
    "id": 17,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-user fa-fw",
    "link": "/personas",
    "titulo": "Personas"
    "id": 18,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-gears fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Configuración"
    "id": 19,
    "id_padre": 18,
    "icono": "fa fa-users fa-fw",
    "link": "/usuarios",
    "titulo": "Usuarios"
    "id": 20,
    "id_padre": 18,
    "icono": "fa fa-suitcase fa-fw",
    "link": "/perfiles",
    "titulo": "Perfiles"
    "id": 21,
    "id_padre": 18,
    "icono": "fa fa-database fa-fw",
    "link": "/respaldo",
    "titulo": "Respaldo"

function ordenar(j) {
 menu = { menu: [] };

 for (n in {
  insertar([n], 0,;
 return menu;

function insertar(j, l, menu) {
 for (n in menu) {
  if (menu[n].id == j.id_padre) {
   if (menu[n].menu == undefined)
    menu[n].menu = [];
   return menu[n].menu.push(j);
  } else {
   if (menu[n].menu)
    if (insertar(j, l+1, menu[n].menu))
     return true;
 if (l)
  return false;


menu = ordenar(menujson);

Once ordered it will be easy to know the sub level where you are:

menu = {
  "menu": [
      "id": 1,
      "id_padre": 0,
      "icono": "fa fa-dashboard fa-fw",
      "link": "/",
      "titulo": "Tablero"
      "id": 2,
      "id_padre": 0,
      "icono": "fa fa-tasks fa-fw",
      "link": "#",
      "titulo": "Procesos",
      "menu": [
          "id": 3,
          "id_padre": 2,
          "icono": "fa fa-list-ol fa-fw",
          "link": "/lotes",
          "titulo": "Lotes"
          "id": 4,
          "id_padre": 2,
          "icono": "fa fa-eraser fa-fw",
          "link": "/limpieza",
          "titulo": "Limpieza"
          "id": 5,
          "id_padre": 2,
          "icono": "fa fa-stop fa-fw",
          "link": "/paradasopera",
          "titulo": "Paradas"
          "id": 6,
          "id_padre": 2,
          "icono": "fa fa-wrench fa-fw",
          "link": "#",
          "titulo": "Mantenimiento",
          "menu": [
              "id": 7,
              "id_padre": 6,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/planes",
              "titulo": "Planes"
              "id": 8,
              "id_padre": 6,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/calendario",
              "titulo": "Calendario"
      "id": 9,
      "id_padre": 0,
      "icono": "fa fa-file-text-o fa-fw",
      "link": "#",
      "titulo": "Reportes",
      "menu": [
          "id": 10,
          "id_padre": 9,
          "icono": "fa fa-bar-chart-o fa-fw",
          "link": "/estadisticos",
          "titulo": "Estadisticos"
          "id": 11,
          "id_padre": 9,
          "icono": "fa fa-building-o fa-fw",
          "link": "/estaticos",
          "titulo": "Estaticos"
          "id": 12,
          "id_padre": 9,
          "icono": "fa fa-file fa-fw",
          "link": "/parametrizados",
          "titulo": "Parametrizados"
      "id": 13,
      "id_padre": 0,
      "icono": "fa fa-wrench fa-fw",
      "link": "#",
      "titulo": "Opciones",
      "menu": [
          "id": 22,
          "id_padre": 13,
          "icono": "fa fa-industry fa-fw",
          "link": "#",
          "titulo": "Marcas de Equipos",
          "menu": [
              "id": 23,
              "id_padre": 22,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/marcas",
              "titulo": "Marcas"
              "id": 24,
              "id_padre": 22,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/modelos",
              "titulo": "Modelos"
          "id": 32,
          "id_padre": 13,
          "icono": "fa fa-clock-o fa-fw",
          "link": "/turnos",
          "titulo": "Turnos"
          "id": 14,
          "id_padre": 13,
          "icono": "fa fa-flask fa-fw",
          "link": "#",
          "titulo": "Productos de Elaboración",
          "menu": [
              "id": 25,
              "id_padre": 14,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/productos",
              "titulo": "Productos"
              "id": 26,
              "id_padre": 14,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/unidadesdemedicion",
              "titulo": "Unidades de Medición"
          "id": 15,
          "id_padre": 13,
          "icono": "fa fa-arrows-alt fa-fw",
          "link": "#",
          "titulo": "Areas y Procesos de Producción",
          "menu": [
              "id": 30,
              "id_padre": 15,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/areas",
              "titulo": "Areas"
              "id": 31,
              "id_padre": 15,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/procesos",
              "titulo": "Procesos "
          "id": 16,
          "id_padre": 13,
          "icono": "fa fa-steam fa-fw",
          "link": "#",
          "titulo": "Registro de Equipos",
          "menu": [
              "id": 27,
              "id_padre": 16,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/equipos",
              "titulo": "Equipos"
              "id": 28,
              "id_padre": 16,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/partes",
              "titulo": "Partes"
              "id": 29,
              "id_padre": 16,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/subpartes",
              "titulo": "Subpartes"
          "id": 17,
          "id_padre": 13,
          "icono": "fa fa-user fa-fw",
          "link": "/personas",
          "titulo": "Personas"
      "id": 18,
      "id_padre": 0,
      "icono": "fa fa-gears fa-fw",
      "link": "#",
      "titulo": "Configuración",
      "menu": [
          "id": 19,
          "id_padre": 18,
          "icono": "fa fa-users fa-fw",
          "link": "/usuarios",
          "titulo": "Usuarios"
          "id": 20,
          "id_padre": 18,
          "icono": "fa fa-suitcase fa-fw",
          "link": "/perfiles",
          "titulo": "Perfiles"
          "id": 21,
          "id_padre": 18,
          "icono": "fa fa-database fa-fw",
          "link": "/respaldo",
          "titulo": "Respaldo"


function niveles(menu, l) {
 if ( l == undefined)
 var sp = " ".repeat(l*2);
 html = sp + "<ul>\n"
 for (n in menu) {
  html += sp+" <li>"+menu[n].titulo;
  if (menu[n].menu) {
   html += "\n"+niveles(menu[n].menu, l+1, html)+sp+" ";
  html += "</li>\n";
 html += sp + "</ul>\n"
 return html;
<div id="menu"><div>

The following example shows you how to create a list of options:

menu = {
  "menu": [
      "id": 1,
      "id_padre": 0,
      "icono": "fa fa-dashboard fa-fw",
      "link": "/",
      "titulo": "Tablero"
      "id": 2,
      "id_padre": 0,
      "icono": "fa fa-tasks fa-fw",
      "link": "#",
      "titulo": "Procesos",
      "menu": [
          "id": 3,
          "id_padre": 2,
          "icono": "fa fa-list-ol fa-fw",
          "link": "/lotes",
          "titulo": "Lotes"
          "id": 4,
          "id_padre": 2,
          "icono": "fa fa-eraser fa-fw",
          "link": "/limpieza",
          "titulo": "Limpieza"
          "id": 5,
          "id_padre": 2,
          "icono": "fa fa-stop fa-fw",
          "link": "/paradasopera",
          "titulo": "Paradas"
          "id": 6,
          "id_padre": 2,
          "icono": "fa fa-wrench fa-fw",
          "link": "#",
          "titulo": "Mantenimiento",
          "menu": [
              "id": 7,
              "id_padre": 6,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/planes",
              "titulo": "Planes"
              "id": 8,
              "id_padre": 6,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/calendario",
              "titulo": "Calendario"
      "id": 9,
      "id_padre": 0,
      "icono": "fa fa-file-text-o fa-fw",
      "link": "#",
      "titulo": "Reportes",
      "menu": [
          "id": 10,
          "id_padre": 9,
          "icono": "fa fa-bar-chart-o fa-fw",
          "link": "/estadisticos",
          "titulo": "Estadisticos"
          "id": 11,
          "id_padre": 9,
          "icono": "fa fa-building-o fa-fw",
          "link": "/estaticos",
          "titulo": "Estaticos"
          "id": 12,
          "id_padre": 9,
          "icono": "fa fa-file fa-fw",
          "link": "/parametrizados",
          "titulo": "Parametrizados"
      "id": 13,
      "id_padre": 0,
      "icono": "fa fa-wrench fa-fw",
      "link": "#",
      "titulo": "Opciones",
      "menu": [
          "id": 22,
          "id_padre": 13,
          "icono": "fa fa-industry fa-fw",
          "link": "#",
          "titulo": "Marcas de Equipos",
          "menu": [
              "id": 23,
              "id_padre": 22,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/marcas",
              "titulo": "Marcas"
              "id": 24,
              "id_padre": 22,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/modelos",
              "titulo": "Modelos"
          "id": 32,
          "id_padre": 13,
          "icono": "fa fa-clock-o fa-fw",
          "link": "/turnos",
          "titulo": "Turnos"
          "id": 14,
          "id_padre": 13,
          "icono": "fa fa-flask fa-fw",
          "link": "#",
          "titulo": "Productos de Elaboración",
          "menu": [
              "id": 25,
              "id_padre": 14,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/productos",
              "titulo": "Productos"
              "id": 26,
              "id_padre": 14,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/unidadesdemedicion",
              "titulo": "Unidades de Medición"
          "id": 15,
          "id_padre": 13,
          "icono": "fa fa-arrows-alt fa-fw",
          "link": "#",
          "titulo": "Areas y Procesos de Producción",
          "menu": [
              "id": 30,
              "id_padre": 15,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/areas",
              "titulo": "Areas"
              "id": 31,
              "id_padre": 15,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/procesos",
              "titulo": "Procesos "
          "id": 16,
          "id_padre": 13,
          "icono": "fa fa-steam fa-fw",
          "link": "#",
          "titulo": "Registro de Equipos",
          "menu": [
              "id": 27,
              "id_padre": 16,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/equipos",
              "titulo": "Equipos"
              "id": 28,
              "id_padre": 16,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/partes",
              "titulo": "Partes"
              "id": 29,
              "id_padre": 16,
              "icono": "fa",
              "link": "/subpartes",
              "titulo": "Subpartes"
          "id": 17,
          "id_padre": 13,
          "icono": "fa fa-user fa-fw",
          "link": "/personas",
          "titulo": "Personas"
      "id": 18,
      "id_padre": 0,
      "icono": "fa fa-gears fa-fw",
      "link": "#",
      "titulo": "Configuración",
      "menu": [
          "id": 19,
          "id_padre": 18,
          "icono": "fa fa-users fa-fw",
          "link": "/usuarios",
          "titulo": "Usuarios"
          "id": 20,
          "id_padre": 18,
          "icono": "fa fa-suitcase fa-fw",
          "link": "/perfiles",
          "titulo": "Perfiles"
          "id": 21,
          "id_padre": 18,
          "icono": "fa fa-database fa-fw",
          "link": "/respaldo",
          "titulo": "Respaldo"



function select1(menu, l, pf) {
 if ( l == undefined)
  l=0, html="", pf="";
 for (n in menu) {
  html += "<option>"+pf+menu[n].titulo+"</option>\n";
  if (menu[n].menu) {
   select1(menu[n].menu, l+1, pf+menu[n].titulo+"/");

return html;
function select2(menu, l) {
 if ( l == undefined)
  l=0, html="", pf="";

 var sp="&nbsp;".repeat(l*6);
 var n1="";
 for (n in menu) {
  if (menu[n].menu || (n1 && menu[n1].menu)) {
   html += "<optgroup></optgroup>\n"
  html += "<option>"+sp+menu[n].titulo+"</option>\n";
  if (menu[n].menu) {
   select2(menu[n].menu, l+1);

return html;
<select id="select1"></select>
<select id="select2"></select>

All these examples illustrate how to work with recursion.

I hope this helps you, Greetings !! ...;))

answered by 27.04.2017 / 05:49

I think your code was part that I published last year, here is what you need, I hope it will be useful. Greetings.

var todoMenus;
var menus;
var menuNiveles;
  todoMenus =;
  var menuGenerado = GenerarMenus(0, false);
    //Si quieres pasar estos datos a un nuevo array:
    $(this).attr('data-idMenu', i+1);
    var nivel = $(this).parents('ul').length;
    var id = $(this).attr('id');
    var padre = $(this).parents('li').attr('data-idMenu');
    padre = padre == undefined ? 0 : padre;
    $(this).attr("title","Nivel:" + nivel);
    var texto = $(this).find("a:first").text();
    var link = $(this).find("a:first").attr('href');    
    var menuNivel = {
      "id": i+1,
      "idPadre": padre,
      "link": link,
      "menu": texto,
      "nivel": nivel
    //JSON rearmado... con los niveles

function ObtenerMenus(codigoMenu) {
    menus = [];
    $.each(todoMenus, function (i, v) {
        if (v.id_padre == codigoMenu) {
function GenerarMenus(codigoMenu, esSub) {
    var menuGenrado = '';
    if (esSub) {
        menuGenrado = '<ul class="nav nav-stacked">';
    else {
        menuGenrado = '<ul class="nav nav-stacked">';

    if (menus != undefined) {
        $.each(menus, function (i, v) {            
                var subMenu = GenerarMenus(, true);
                if (subMenu.length == 0) {
                    menuGenrado += '<li class=""><a href="' + + '"><i class="' + v.icono + '"></i><span>' + v.titulo + '</span></a>';
                } else {
                    menuGenrado += '<li class=""><a href="' + + '" class="dropdown-collapse"><i class="' + v.icono + '"></i><span>' + v.titulo + '</span><i class="icon-angle-down angle-down"></i></a>';
                    menuGenrado += subMenu;
                menuGenrado += '</li>';            
    menuGenrado += '</ul>'
    if (menuGenrado == '<ul class="nav nav-stacked"></ul>' || menuGenrado == '<ul class="nav nav-stacked"></ul>') {
        menuGenrado = '';
    return menuGenrado;

var menujson = {
  "menu": [
    "id": 1,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-dashboard fa-fw",
    "link": "/",
    "titulo": "Tablero"
    "id": 2,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-tasks fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Procesos"
    "id": 3,
    "id_padre": 2,
    "icono": "fa fa-list-ol fa-fw",
    "link": "/lotes",
    "titulo": "Lotes"
    "id": 4,
    "id_padre": 2,
    "icono": "fa fa-eraser fa-fw",
    "link": "/limpieza",
    "titulo": "Limpieza"
    "id": 5,
    "id_padre": 2,
    "icono": "fa fa-stop fa-fw",
    "link": "/paradasopera",
    "titulo": "Paradas"
    "id": 6,
    "id_padre": 2,
    "icono": "fa fa-wrench fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Mantenimiento"
    "id": 7,
    "id_padre": 6,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/planes",
    "titulo": "Planes"
    "id": 8,
    "id_padre": 6,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/calendario",
    "titulo": "Calendario"
    "id": 9,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-file-text-o fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Reportes"
    "id": 10,
    "id_padre": 9,
    "icono": "fa fa-bar-chart-o fa-fw",
    "link": "/estadisticos",
    "titulo": "Estadisticos"
    "id": 11,
    "id_padre": 9,
    "icono": "fa fa-building-o fa-fw",
    "link": "/estaticos",
    "titulo": "Estaticos"
    "id": 12,
    "id_padre": 9,
    "icono": "fa fa-file fa-fw",
    "link": "/parametrizados",
    "titulo": "Parametrizados"
    "id": 13,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-wrench fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Opciones"
    "id": 22,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-industry fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Marcas de Equipos"
    "id": 23,
    "id_padre": 22,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/marcas",
    "titulo": "Marcas"
    "id": 24,
    "id_padre": 22,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/modelos",
    "titulo": "Modelos"
    "id": 32,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-clock-o fa-fw",
    "link": "/turnos",
    "titulo": "Turnos"
    "id": 14,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-flask fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Productos de Elaboración"
    "id": 25,
    "id_padre": 14,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/productos",
    "titulo": "Productos"
    "id": 26,
    "id_padre": 14,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/unidadesdemedicion",
    "titulo": "Unidades de Medición"
    "id": 15,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-arrows-alt fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Areas y Procesos de Producción"
    "id": 30,
    "id_padre": 15,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/areas",
    "titulo": "Areas"
    "id": 31,
    "id_padre": 15,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/procesos",
    "titulo": "Procesos "
    "id": 16,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-steam fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Registro de Equipos"
    "id": 27,
    "id_padre": 16,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/equipos",
    "titulo": "Equipos"
    "id": 28,
    "id_padre": 16,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/partes",
    "titulo": "Partes"
    "id": 29,
    "id_padre": 16,
    "icono": "fa",
    "link": "/subpartes",
    "titulo": "Subpartes"
    "id": 17,
    "id_padre": 13,
    "icono": "fa fa-user fa-fw",
    "link": "/personas",
    "titulo": "Personas"
    "id": 18,
    "id_padre": 0,
    "icono": "fa fa-gears fa-fw",
    "link": "#",
    "titulo": "Configuración"
    "id": 19,
    "id_padre": 18,
    "icono": "fa fa-users fa-fw",
    "link": "/usuarios",
    "titulo": "Usuarios"
    "id": 20,
    "id_padre": 18,
    "icono": "fa fa-suitcase fa-fw",
    "link": "/perfiles",
    "titulo": "Perfiles"
    "id": 21,
    "id_padre": 18,
    "icono": "fa fa-database fa-fw",
    "link": "/respaldo",
    "titulo": "Respaldo"
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* main navigation toggling
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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    * removes .box after click on .box-remove button
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    * password strength
    * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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    * check all checkboxes in table with class only-checkbox
    * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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    * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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    * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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        format: "rgb"
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        icons: {
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        icons: {
          time: "icon-time",
          date: "icon-calendar",
          up: "icon-arrow-up",
          down: "icon-arrow-down"
    * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * setting bootstrap file input
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    * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * modernizr fallbacks
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            input = $(this);
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              return input.val("");

  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * max length counter
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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    if (jQuery().maxlength) {
      return selector.maxlength();

  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * character counter
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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      selector = $(".char-counter");
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      return selector.charCount({
        cssWarning: "text-warning",
        cssExceeded: "text-error"

  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * autosize feature for expanding textarea elements
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  this.setAutoSize = function(selector) {
    if (selector == null) {
      selector = $(".autosize");
    if (jQuery().autosize) {
      return selector.autosize();

  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * timeago feature converts static time to dynamically refreshed
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  this.setTimeAgo = function(selector) {
    if (selector == null) {
      selector = $(".timeago");
    if (jQuery().timeago) {
      jQuery.timeago.settings.allowFuture = true;
      jQuery.timeago.settings.refreshMillis = 60000;
      return selector.addClass("in");

  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * scrollable boxes
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  this.setScrollable = function(selector) {
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      selector = $(".scrollable");
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      return selector.each(function(i, elem) {
        return $(elem).slimScroll({
          height: $(elem).data("scrollable-height"),
          start: $(elem).data("scrollable-start") || "top"

  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * jquery ui sortable
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  this.setSortable = function(selector) {
    if (selector == null) {
      selector = null;
    if (jQuery().sortable) {
      if (selector) {
        return selector.sortable({

  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * select 2 selects
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  this.setSelect2 = function(selector) {
    if (selector == null) {
      selector = $(".select2");
    if (jQuery().select2) {
      return selector.each(function(i, elem) {
        return $(elem).select2();

  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * datatables
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  this.setDataTable = function(selector) {
    if (jQuery().dataTable) {
      return selector.each(function(i, elem) {
        var dt, sdom;
        if ($(elem).data("pagination-top-bottom") === true) {
          sdom = "<'row datatables-top'<'col-sm-6'l><'col-sm-6 text-right'pf>r>t<'row datatables-bottom'<'col-sm-6'i><'col-sm-6 text-right'p>>";
        } else if ($(elem).data("pagination-top") === true) {
          sdom = "<'row datatables-top'<'col-sm-6'l><'col-sm-6 text-right'pf>r>t<'row datatables-bottom'<'col-sm-6'i><'col-sm-6 text-right'>>";
        } else {
          sdom = "<'row datatables-top'<'col-sm-6'l><'col-sm-6 text-right'f>r>t<'row datatables-bottom'<'col-sm-6'i><'col-sm-6 text-right'p>>";
        dt = $(elem).dataTable({
          sDom: sdom,
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          "iDisplayLength": $(elem).data("pagination-records") || 10,
          oLanguage: {
            sLengthMenu: "_MENU_ registros por página"
          fnDrawCallback: function(oSettings) {
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            return $(this).closest('.dataTables_wrapper').find('div[id$=_filter] input').addClass("form-control input-sm").attr('placeholder', $(this).closest('.dataTables_wrapper').find('div[id$=_filter] label').text().replace(":", "..."));
        if ($(elem).hasClass("data-table-column-filter")) {
          return dt.columnFilter();

  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * form validation
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  this.setValidateForm = function(selector) {
    if (selector == null) {
      selector = $(".validate-form");
    if (jQuery().validate) {
      return selector.each(function(i, elem) {
        return $(elem).validate({
          errorElement: "span",
          errorClass: "help-block has-error",
          errorPlacement: function(e, t) {
            return t.parents(".controls").first().append(e);
          highlight: function(e) {
            return $(e).closest('.form-group').removeClass("has-error has-success").addClass('has-error');
          success: function(e) {
            return e.closest(".form-group").removeClass("has-error");
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
 <script src=""></script>
 <script src=""></script>
<div id="content">
<div id="main-nav"></div>

Update The example of how it works. It is a matter of adding the css to format it.

answered by 27.04.2017 в 01:01