How can I combine 2 GET methods?


I have 2 methods get I use springboot and the first one brings all active people boolean active and the second one to the contacts that the person has, but I need you to bring me those contactos according to whether they are active or not , thank you

public List<PersonEmergencyContact> getAllActive() {
    List<PersonEmergencyContact> lista = service.findAllByActive();
    return lista;

public List<PersonEmergencyContact> getPersonEmergencyContactByPersonId(@PathVariable(value = "id") Long PersonEmergencyContactId) {
    List<PersonEmergencyContact> lista = service.findByPersonId(PersonEmergencyContactId);
    return lista;


public interface PersonEmergencyContactRepository extends CrudRepository<PersonEmergencyContact, Long> {

@Query("SELECT p FROM PersonEmergencyContact p WHERE = 1")

List<PersonEmergencyContact> findAllByActive();

List<PersonEmergencyContact> findByPersonId(Long id);


Service, only the relevant lists in this case

public List<PersonEmergencyContact> findAll() {
    return super.findAll();

public List<PersonEmergencyContact> findAllByActive() { return dao.findAllByActive(); }

public List<PersonEmergencyContact> findByPersonId(Long PersonEmergencyContactId) { return dao.findByPersonId(PersonEmergencyContactId); }

public void softDelete(Long Id) {
    PersonEmergencyContact personemergencycontact = this.findById(Id);
    personemergencycontact.setDeleted_at(toISO8601UTC(new Date()));


and the soft delete that changes the field active (default 1) to 0

asked by Jeypi 07.08.2018 в 16:09

1 answer


On the get

@GetMapping ("/ personemergencycontacts / person / {id}")

Your method can be left:

public List<PersonEmergencyContact> getPersonEmergencyContactByPersonId(@PathVariable(value = "id") Long PersonEmergencyContactId) {
 List<PersonEmergencyContact> lista= new ArrayList<PersonEmergencyContact>();
 List<PersonEmergencyContact> lista2 = service.findByPersonId(PersonEmergencyContactId);
  for (PersonEmergencyContact otro : lista2 ){
  return lista;

getActive (), you must add it in your PersonEmergencyContact class as:

public String getActive () {          return Active;      }

Adjust it to your model

answered by 07.08.2018 / 16:26