I'm trying to show some data mockeados (removed from an API) to show them by window and I'm a little lost.
This HTML does an include of another HTML that is where the call is made to the services part, in this case the mockeados data that I put below to show them by window.
<!-- Características de la vivienda -->
<ap-resumen-hogar-box class="div triple"
title="Características de la vivienda"
<!-- Medidas de Seguridad -->
<ap-resumen-hogar-box class="div triple"
title="Medidas de seguridad"
in a JS I have the call to the data mockeados, in which when I make the call to a part of them appears correctly the data (Name and address of the person), but I try to call said data Mockeados to show by window said data from another HTML and honestly I do not know how to do it
Moke data in the JS
vm.preconcedidos = [ {
"caracteristicasRiesgo" : {
"name" : "CaracteristicasViviendaRest",
"codigoTipoVivienda" : "PI",
"codigoSubTipoVivienda" : "PI",
"codigoUbicacionVivienda" : "NU",
"codigoRegimenVivienda" : "PO",
"anioConstruccion" : 1977,
"viviendaHabitual" : true,
"hipotecada" : false,
"metrosVivienda" : 107,
"metrosTerrazas" : 0,
"metrosJardin" : 0,
"numeroGarajes" : 0,
"numeroPuertas" : 1,
"numeroHabitantes" : 1,
"medidasSeguridad" : {
"name" : "MedidasSeguridadRest",
"puertasBlindadas" : false,
"rejasFijas" : false,
"tieneAlarma" : false,
"vigilancia24h" : false,
"cajaFuerte" : false
"codigoUsoVivienda" : "RH"
} ];
In this other HTML is where the data of Characteristics of the house, Security Measures etc ... are loaded.
<article class="module boxShadowPanel opened bigMode preventBottomPaddingInContent">
<div class="clearfix">
<h4 class="title">
<!-- {{ctrl.title}} -->
Características de la vivienda
<div class="actions ">
<!-- <a class="textActionLink semiStrong actionsLinkOnPhone editIconOnPhones">
</a> -->
<span class="collapseTrigger strong show-on-phones actionsLinkOnPhone textActionLink fl"
ng-click="field.showBoxes = !field.showBoxes">
<span class="arrowIcon microArrow topArrow"
'topArrow': field.showBoxes,
'bottomArrow': !field.showBoxes}">
<div class="content collapsablePanelInner"
ng-init="field.showBoxes = true"
ng-class="{'hidden': !field.showBoxes}">
<ul class="keyValueList clearfix loDashList odd">
<li ng-repeat="item in ctrl.model.sections" class="loDashItem">
<strong class="key">
<span class="value db ellipsis">
and it would be in this controller where the call to the mockeados data of before would be made and I do not know very well how to make said call so that the data are shown.
JS 2
(function(angular) {
'use strict';
.component('apResumenHogarBox', {
templateUrl: 'app/preconcedidos/hogar/components/resumen/resumenHogarBox/resumenHogarBox.html',
controller: apResumenHogar,
controllerAs: 'ctrl',
bindings: {
title: '@',
model: '<'
function apResumenHogar($scope, EmitterSrv, $filter, ModalModel, AltaSrv, $rootScope, CoreSrv,
constants, $state, ngDialog, OracleSrv,PreconcedidosHogarSrv) {
var vm = this;
vm.scope = $scope;
vm.$onInit = function() {
//vm.modelData = angular.copy(vm.model);
Could you help me please
Thank you very much, best regards