Hello, you could support me with this topic I am reading through a terminal a proximity card, which tells me its documentation that its output is a wiegand 26bits format
when using the method ReadExisting () it returns a string to which I do not understand anything. unfortunately I can not put the chain because they would fire me
Looking for information on the internet I come across these rules. that are supposed to be for that format wiegand26
The first Bit, B0, is the Parity Pair of the first 12 transmitted bits (B1: 12). - The next 8, B1: B8 are a Byte, an 8-bit Integer, which they call the Facility Code. - The following 16: B9: B24 are two Bytes, a 16 bit Integer, which is called User Code - The last bit, B25, is the Odd Parity of the last 12 bits transmitted (B13: 24).
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.serialPort1.Parity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.Mark;
Here I try to get the values but I do not achieve it
private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
string texto = this.serialPort1.BytesToRead.ToString();
string texto2 = this.serialPort1.BytesToWrite.ToString();
string texto3 = this.serialPort1.DataBits.ToString();
string texto5 = this.serialPort1.ReadExisting();
List<byte> tipos = new List<byte>();
//creo una cadena en donde se guardarán todas las tramas
foreach (char caracterc in texto5) //la cadena o trama que creé y he recibido
// string r = this.ConvertHex(caracterc);
byte byteCaracter = (byte)caracterc;
string result = this.ConvertHex(texto5);
string pru = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(tipos.ToArray());
textBox1.Text = "";
textBox1.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => { textBox1.Text = texto5; }));
//textBox1.Text = texto;
I put the Parity in parity.mark because as I read the first bit is the parity but I really need a lot and I can not find the north, I hope and they can help me
Thank you in advance