Sorry for the title but I did not know how to describe the situation. The situation is as follows: I have a project in VS2017, core where I have a method that enters an array into the database. It is an array of a table that I created with Jquery that is a payment plan for a client's debt.
$("#boton").click(function () {
var filas = $("#cuotas").val();
var monto = $("#montocuota").val();
var dni = $("#dni").val();
var fecha = $("#fechavto").val();
var tabla = "";
var result = $("#tablaplan");
tabla += "<table class=table table-hover>";
tabla += "<thead>";
tabla += "<tr>";
tabla += "<th>Cuota N°</th>";
tabla += "<th>Monto</th>";
tabla += "<th>Fecha Vto</th>";
tabla += "<th>Documento</th>";
tabla += "</tr>";
tabla += "</thead>";
tabla += "<tbody>";
for (var i = 0; i < filas; i++) {
var vto = moment(fecha).add((i), 'month').format("YYYY-MM-DD");
tabla += "<tr>";
tabla += "<td>" + "<input name=[" + i + "].Cuota value=" + (i + 1) + " class=form-control input-sm readonly style=width:100px></input>" + "</td>";
tabla += "<td>" + "<input name=[" + i + "].Monto_cuota value=" + monto + " class=form-control input-sm readonly style=width:100px></input>" + "</td>";
tabla += "<td>" + "<input name=[" + i + "].Fecha_vto value=" + vto + " class=form-control input-sm readonly style=width:150px></input>" + "</td>";
tabla += "<td>" + "<input name=[" + i + "].Dni value=" + dni + " class=form-control input-sm readonly style=width:150px></input>" + "</td>";
tabla += "<td>" + "<input name=[" + i + "].Estado value=Activo class=form-control input-sm readonly style=width:150px type=hidden></input>" + "</td>";
tabla += "</tr>";
tabla += "</tbody>";
tabla += "</table>";
public async Task<IActionResult> Create([Bind("Fecha,Cuotas,MontoCuota,Estado,Dni,Total")] PlanPagos planPagos, string Dni, ICollection<DetallePlanPagos> detallePlanPagos)
//verifico si tiene plan activo
var query = from d in _context.Deudores
join p in _context.PlanesPagos on d.Dni equals p.Dni
where p.Estado == "Activo" && p.Dni == Convert.ToInt32(Dni)
select p;
var cuenta = query.Count();
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (cuenta == 0)
foreach(var item in detallePlanPagos)
//asigno FK
item.PlanPagosId = planPagos.Id;
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return View("Success");
ViewData["mensaje"] = string.Format("Error!. El deudor con Dni {0} ya" +
" tiene una refinanciación activa. Deberá anularla para cargar otro Plan de Pagos.", Dni);
return View("ErrorAlProcesar", ViewData["mensaje"]);
return View(planPagos);
While everything works well, the problem arises that for example, if I put many quotas, more than 15 in the database inserts them in this way (screenshot of the table in the database ):
As you can see the Id is perfect, but the order of the fee is messy. From quota number 1 it goes to 17 instead of quota number 2. In other cases where I enter a payment plan of, for example, 5 installments, I have no problem.
Any suggestions? Thank you very much